mmMMmmMm asike hay ke primero ejecutar el cd del Ps2OS antes de arrancarlo delsde el HDD, porke sino no crea los susodichos archivos de configuracion.....interesante... [modo Sr.Burns ON]
voy a mirar por (los creadores de la aplicacion) haber si han tenido este problema
Ok, I got Execftps working with HDD when I run it from MC.
What is needed is DMS HDD explorer installed, DMS Explorer elf and execftps elf.
1. Modify DMS explorer with hex editor change the slashes from mc0\boot\MENU.TXT to mc0/boot/MENU.TXT
2. Install HDD explorer and run Execftps (press start to run HDD explorer)
3. copy DMS explorer elf to MC as mc0/boot/boot.elf
4 edit in mc0:/BOOT/MENU.TXT to run execftps from specified directory example: Execftps|mc0:/BOOT/EXECFTPS/EXECFTP.ELF
5. Copy Execftps.elf to MENU.TXT specified directory in MC. Start in dev1 mode (trangle).
6. Connect to PS2 with FTP (FlashFXP) and run raw command SITE MNT /pfs/0/ hdd:__boot (remember to unmount, SITE UMNT /pfs/0/, to make changes permanent)
Now you should have pfs/0/.. folder containing HDD explorer applications.
To add programs you must modify applist.dat file (Applist modifier v0.6).
The problem now is that when I add directories and files through FTP the directory and file rights are zero, hence I can't execute my own applications. CHMOD command doesn't work, any of you have solved this problem? Is there any media player I can install and run MP3 and JPEG files from HDD?
Appreciate your help:)
sacado de los foros del DMS (Parece ke han podido acceder al HDD sin problemas desde la instalacion en la MC
ke alguien vaya traduciendo en lenguaje cristiano ke ni me papo de lo ke diceen
PD: WenoWenoWeno.... parece ke se deciden a arreglar el HDD-Explorer....
Nuevo FrimWare para DMS3: V2.4b5
As of DMS3 firmware 2.4 beta 5, the use of HDD Explorer has been disabled. If you wish to continue using HDD Explorer do not upgrade your firmware. The reason we decided to disable this is as follows:
HDD Explorer writes to the DMS3 flash to save settings related to loading HDDExplorer. This has been proven to be an unreliable way of doing things for the DMS3 series modchips - quite a few people have had problems. DMS is now working on a new DMS explorer which we hope to release in the near future. This new version will not need to write anything to the modchip flash so will not suffer from the same problems as the current version (NOTE: DMS4 is not effected by this problem due to more reliable flash manipulation methods). The new version will also boast some pretty cool features, so keep your eyes out!
Yo por si las moscas me kedo con la 2.4b4 hasta ke saken nueva version del explorador. Shrek parece ke esto ati no te salpica, enorawena
metallah escribió:- En cuanto al USBD.IRX, yo no lo uso, pero he probado a ponerlo en el directorio mc0:/PS2OSCFG y no va. El archivo lo cogí de varios juegos: Killzone, Call of Duty y Ratchet and Clank 3. Y tienes razón. No lo carga. Pero tampoco carga el módulo arrancando desde el CD. No sé por qué. Seguiré haciendo pruebas.
dicen ke se use el USBD.IRX del NapLink