Explicadme esto:

¿1- No pongo la descarga por ser ilegal?

En www.ds-scene.net he visto esto:
Me lo podeis explicar un poco por encima?

A crack for the Nintendo DS Browser has been released by TRIFORCE. The crack is a bdf patch that will allow you to boot the EUR version of the Nintendo DS Browser from a Slot 1 flash card while using a SuperCard or M3 in Slot 2 as the memory pack.

| | Yeeeehaaaaa! The TRIFORCE is back once again with some new toys! | |
| | | |
| | Don't get all excited yet, let me explain what this crack does first. | |
| | It allows you to use any SuperCard or M3 flashcard instead of the | |
| | normal RAM expansion cart. The downside is, you still need a SLOT-1 | |
| | based flashing device to run the Opera ROM from.
Pásate por el foro de Backups, que ya hay un hilo sobre el tema donde se explica todo lo que necesitas saber.
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