La verdad esque me da muy buena impresion...
solo una cosa,no se supone que desde 3.56 sony puede actualizarnos automaticamente?de que serviria entonces un cfw?
Mirad lo que ha dicho "macrochipsgt5" en el video
"Why dont you reply? We all know youre using 3.55 CFW, spoofed 3.60 and then use blackbox ftp to change the ICON.PNG of a regular savefile to match online Storage icon, and edited the PARAM to match the description of a real online storage. IF THIS IS A TRUE VIDEO AND REALLY IS HACKED, THEN MAKE ANOTHER VIDEO, THIS TIME NOT ONLY SHOWING, BUT ALSO OPENING THE ONLINE STORAGE MEDIA AND IF WE SEE WHAT WERE SUPPOSED TO SEE, THEN YOURE LEGIT. IF NOT, YOU FUCKED WITH THE PNG, PARAM."
si no me he enterado mal,dice que lo que habra hecho es cambiar el icono