EzTeam saca el kernel del Ez-Flash V

Ez Team escribió:1. There must have a "shell" folder on the root of microsd to make EZ5 works properly.
shell download
Standard version
Vista skin version
they are same. only skin different.

2. Decompress the loader to the root of microsd. lauch EZ5 from DS boot menu with "R" pressed. press "R" again on EZ5 bootstrap menu to upgrade the loader. press "L" on EZ5 bootstrap menu can make EZ5 works like a nopass device. boot the slot2 device(Ez4 or other)

The newest loader download Click to download

this version loader is using a new init mode, so there has a 1-2 second white screen before every game start. don't confuse it with WSOD.
this issue will reslove in next release.

3. In loader. press L+R to pop up setting windows. change language here. "Start" for help.

4. If you encounter the WSOD ( white screen for 5 seconds or more). means saver no set correctly. press L+X or L+Y to toggle saver type. we already set the game saver from 0001 to 0773.at least you don't set them by your self. BSOD means microsd speed set too fast. press "L+R", and increase the speed number to make the speed slower. (less is faster, more is lower).
or you can set to auto detect speed mode.

5.The HYBRID tool,download at here
What is HYBRID mode:
Some user owns the slowest microsd card. like sandisk. these card can't run some game properly(movie lag. freeze) in CLEAN mode because the card native speed limit. you can use the tool make a little patch with those game to make them work properly. the HYBRID mode igore microsd speed setting .

Loader can auto recognize the rom CLEAN or HYBRID.

to compare CLEAN mode and HYBRID mode
at first. you must have a slow microsd card, like sandisk 1G/2G. copy the 0121 Castlevania - Dawn of Sorrow clean rom to microsd and launch it in EZ5, the opening movie is very lag. then use the HYBRID tool to convert the rom, save it on microsd and launch it with EZ5. the opening movie is watchable.

La verdad que lo que dice en el ultimo parrafo que el video del DoS con una Sandisk normal lagea sin parchear [noop]
Veremos a ver que tal sale o si se soluciona con posteriores parches.
Supongo que no hay opcion de poder usar este loader mejorado en eziv verdad?

La posibilidad seria muy interesante.
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