FactoryServiceMode Tool v0.1 - JIGless Service Mode

CrashSerious releases FactoryServiceMode Tool v0.1. With this application, Jailbroken PS3 Consoles no longer need the assistance of a JIG device in order to get into Factory/Service Mode. This means that one will be able to downgrade their consoles with ease, simply by running a PKG installed to their XMB. Again, this tool has been created using the open source PS1Light and 100% legal code.
In keeping with our Red Valentines theme this month... we release another red themed app. Tonight, in our second release we bring you a second handy app that continues our commitment to the removal or the need for ANY dongles. A simple app that should likely make it into everyone's PS3 tool set. An XMB application that places the PS3 into factory service mode. Now, You can now throw away that downgrade dongle! Also, as an added bonus we've included CEX and DEX versions of the pkg.

Psgrade was ported to all sorts of devices, even calculators ... none of those external devices are needed any longer! You may now re-purpose them!

When you run the app it will beep once and reboot if successful. Three beeps indicates a failure, report the contents of factory.txt in this thread for help. (Factory.txt will save to the USB flash if you put on in the right most USB port of the PS3.) At this point you will come back up in Factory Service Mode (FSM). Place the Lv2Diag.self on the USB the Lv2diag.self will perform its intended purpose automatically. So be aware of that feature should you not be expecting the PS3 to boot back into the non-FSM XMB.

This app will not work on any of the "reDRM" firmwares, aka Cobra or TrueBlue CFW.

Install the appropriate pkg for your system; FactoryServiceMode.gnpdrm.pkg for CEX and FactoryServiceMode.pkg for DEX.
Run the app and listen for the beeps, you should enter FSM automatically.
Place the desired Lv2Diag.self files on the root of a USB flash drive, ensuring they are named Lv2diag.self. The one included with this release simply exits FSM. Do NOT use the RSOD Lv2Diag released earlier unless you have RSOD.
Place the USB Flash Drive in the right most USB port of the PS3.
Restart the PS3. When it boots up, you will be out of FSM.
Enjoy sticking it to the dongle makers in your own little way.

The app detects the firmware you are running on so it should work on all the firmwares supported by "one" previously. (3.15, 3.41, and 3.55. Basically, Ones that are lower than 3.56.) During creation of this tool, the open-source ps3toolchain, and a slightly modified make_self were utilized. All code is original and makes use of no previously released or copyrighted code, this Lv2diag.self is made 100% with the PSL1GHT SDK so it can be shared freely and without concern for breaking any laws in your country. So, "no sony code inside!"


Q: Can I use this with the RSOD fix self you released earlier?
A: You should only use the RSOD fix Lv2Diag.self to repair a RSOD PS3. Use the suplied Lv2diag.self packaged with this release to simply get out of service mode.

Q: I'm having problems... help!!!!?!?!?!?
A: Post the contents of the factory.txt, which is stored on the root of the USB flash drive where you put Lv2Diag.self, along with a detailed explanation and we will try to help you out. Without the contents of the factory.txt file... we will not be able to help.

Q: Why didn't you just name the release .self file Lv2diag.self and save us a step?
A: We intend to release more fun tools for you at some point, this just helps you keep them straight from the start.

Q: I get a 80010505 error in factory.txt on the USB drive sometimes. HELP!?!?!
A: We noticed this on one Phat CECHG system in testing. but could not replicate it on other PS3's and it only occured after the initial run from a power on of the PS3. In this case, every time we ran it a second time the application worked with out fail. Try again and post the factory.txt if the problem persists.

Q: Could you have made this just a little easier to use?
A: Nope! ;-)

http://psx-scene.com/forums/content/att ... emode.rar/
drake19 está baneado por "clon de usuario baneado"
esto sirve, para meterse en el modo de servicio no?
welll done!!! Como siempre gracias Moro musa por poner noticias en la que los que no tenemos ni papa de inglés que somos muchos no nos enteramos de nada.

Sé que lo haces con la mejor intencion pero por favor pon algun comentario de lo que es la noticia para los que no sabemos inglés y no hagas un simple copia pega.

Por cierto esto parta que puede servir??
Durguem se resume en: Entrar al service/factory mode sin JigTag, solo desde un PKG ya sirve para entrar a este modo.

Lo que no se es qué ventajas ofrece ni para qué se puede utilizar...

estoy en kamew 3.55 y me gustaria poder pasar a rebug 3.55.2

con este metodo se podria hacer mas facil no ?

algun tutorial?

Ok gracias Raine, pdria servir para aquellos que no tienen Pincho y desean downgradear para recasar por ejemplo. Aunque para eso se supone que tambien estan la QA ¿no?
david_tf2011 escribió:buenas

estoy en kamew 3.55 y me gustaria poder pasar a rebug 3.55.2

con este metodo se podria hacer mas facil no ?

algun tutorial?


No te hace falte entrar en factory/sevice, solo instala la 3.55 oficial desde el recovery y lu ego pon el rebug ( por recovery) [bye]
durguem escribió:Ok gracias Raine, pdria servir para aquellos que no tienen Pincho y desean downgradear para recasar por ejemplo. Aunque para eso se supone que tambien estan la QA ¿no?


david_tf2011 escribió:buenas

estoy en kamew 3.55 y me gustaria poder pasar a rebug 3.55.2

con este metodo se podria hacer mas facil no ?

algun tutorial?


No, para pasar a rebug tienes que hacer lo mismo que has echo para meter el kmeaw. Pones recovery mode instalas el firm 3.55 original, despues de nuevo por recovery mode instalas el rebug.
basslover escribió:
durguem escribió:Ok gracias Raine, pdria servir para aquellos que no tienen Pincho y desean downgradear para recasar por ejemplo. Aunque para eso se supone que tambien estan la QA ¿no?


david_tf2011 escribió:buenas

estoy en kamew 3.55 y me gustaria poder pasar a rebug 3.55.2

con este metodo se podria hacer mas facil no ?

algun tutorial?


No, para pasar a rebug tienes que hacer lo mismo que has echo para meter el kmeaw. Pones recovery mode instalas el firm 3.55 original, despues de nuevo por recovery mode instalas el rebug.

ok gracias solo era una duda k tenia por k para mi desde este modo los ofw me parace k se lo traga mucho mas rapido

gracias por aclararme las dudas jejejje
si lo pongo en castellano tampoco nos enteramos ya que lo ago con el google por eso prefiero dejarlo en su idioma no es por nada
drake19 está baneado por "clon de usuario baneado"
Traducido a Español:

CrashSerious ha publicado una nueva herramienta llamada FactoryServiceMode Tool.

Con esta aplicación, ya no será necesario un dongle para con el fin de entrar en el Modo de Servicio/Fabrica. Esto significa que ahora seremos capaces de downgradear las consolas con mayor facilidad, simplemente ejecutando un PKG instalado en el XMB.

Además, esta es otra forma de acceder y trastear todo lo que querais con el modo de fábrica/servicio.

Esta herramienta ha sido creada con PSL1GHT de código abierto y es 100% código legal.

Esta aplicación no funcionará en ninguna de los firmwares "reDRM", también conocidos como CFW Cobra y TrueBlue.

- Instalar el paquete adecuado para el sistema; FactoryServiceMode.gnpdrm.pkg para CEX y FactoryServiceMode.pkg de DEX.
- Ejecuta la aplicación, escucharás pitidos, y se iniciará el FSM automáticamente.
- Colocar los archivos Lv2Diag.self deseado en la raíz de una unidad flash USB, asegurando que se llame Lv2Diag.self. El que se incluye con esta versión, simplemente sale del FSM. (NO utilice el Lv2Diag RSOD a menos que tengas un RSOD).
- Coloque la unidad flash USB en el puerto USB más a la derecha de la PS3.
- Reinicie el PS3. Cuando se arranca, va a estar fuera de la FSM.
Disfrute de pegarse a los fabricantes de dongle en su propia pequeña manera.
drake19 escribió:Traducido a Español:
Disfrute de pegarse a los fabricantes de dongle en su propia pequeña manera.

Esta frase no la entiendo bien.
algien que lo pase a un OFW??? aver si suena la flauta..aunke lo dudo porque el pkg estara firmado para 3.55..pero x si acaso..alguien ke lo pruebe..
No digo que lo traduzcas entero tu mismo o con el Google que es peor como tu bien dices, pero si pones una noticia supongo que al menos tu la entiendes, vamos que no pones noticias al tuntun, por eso estaria bien que si al menos puedes explicar un poco por encima de que va el tema. Yo y muchos usuarios te estariamos agradecidos.

Todo esto lo digo desde el repseto si animo de crear polemica o fastidiar.

Un saludo
ya lo se ademas llevo muchos años ayudando a gente y nunca me enfado eso intento de ingles pues se poquito por eso lo pongo a si por que si supiera mejor lo explicaria bastante palabras se su significado pero no todo por eso lo dejo hay
buena noticia haber que hace en una 3.60
moro_musa escribió:Imagen
CrashSerious releases FactoryServiceMode Tool v0.1. With this application, Jailbroken PS3 Consoles no longer need the assistance of a JIG device in order to get into Factory/Service Mode. This means that one will be able to downgrade their consoles with ease, simply by running a PKG installed to their XMB. Again, this tool has been created using the open source PS1Light and 100% legal code.
In keeping with our Red Valentines theme this month... we release another red themed app. Tonight, in our second release we bring you a second handy app that continues our commitment to the removal or the need for ANY dongles. A simple app that should likely make it into everyone's PS3 tool set. An XMB application that places the PS3 into factory service mode. Now, You can now throw away that downgrade dongle! Also, as an added bonus we've included CEX and DEX versions of the pkg.

Psgrade was ported to all sorts of devices, even calculators ... none of those external devices are needed any longer! You may now re-purpose them!

When you run the app it will beep once and reboot if successful. Three beeps indicates a failure, report the contents of factory.txt in this thread for help. (Factory.txt will save to the USB flash if you put on in the right most USB port of the PS3.) At this point you will come back up in Factory Service Mode (FSM). Place the Lv2Diag.self on the USB the Lv2diag.self will perform its intended purpose automatically. So be aware of that feature should you not be expecting the PS3 to boot back into the non-FSM XMB.

This app will not work on any of the "reDRM" firmwares, aka Cobra or TrueBlue CFW.

Install the appropriate pkg for your system; FactoryServiceMode.gnpdrm.pkg for CEX and FactoryServiceMode.pkg for DEX.
Run the app and listen for the beeps, you should enter FSM automatically.
Place the desired Lv2Diag.self files on the root of a USB flash drive, ensuring they are named Lv2diag.self. The one included with this release simply exits FSM. Do NOT use the RSOD Lv2Diag released earlier unless you have RSOD.
Place the USB Flash Drive in the right most USB port of the PS3.
Restart the PS3. When it boots up, you will be out of FSM.
Enjoy sticking it to the dongle makers in your own little way.

The app detects the firmware you are running on so it should work on all the firmwares supported by "one" previously. (3.15, 3.41, and 3.55. Basically, Ones that are lower than 3.56.) During creation of this tool, the open-source ps3toolchain, and a slightly modified make_self were utilized. All code is original and makes use of no previously released or copyrighted code, this Lv2diag.self is made 100% with the PSL1GHT SDK so it can be shared freely and without concern for breaking any laws in your country. So, "no sony code inside!"


Q: Can I use this with the RSOD fix self you released earlier?
A: You should only use the RSOD fix Lv2Diag.self to repair a RSOD PS3. Use the suplied Lv2diag.self packaged with this release to simply get out of service mode.

Q: I'm having problems... help!!!!?!?!?!?
A: Post the contents of the factory.txt, which is stored on the root of the USB flash drive where you put Lv2Diag.self, along with a detailed explanation and we will try to help you out. Without the contents of the factory.txt file... we will not be able to help.

Q: Why didn't you just name the release .self file Lv2diag.self and save us a step?
A: We intend to release more fun tools for you at some point, this just helps you keep them straight from the start.

Q: I get a 80010505 error in factory.txt on the USB drive sometimes. HELP!?!?!
A: We noticed this on one Phat CECHG system in testing. but could not replicate it on other PS3's and it only occured after the initial run from a power on of the PS3. In this case, every time we ran it a second time the application worked with out fail. Try again and post the factory.txt if the problem persists.

Q: Could you have made this just a little easier to use?
A: Nope! ;-)

http://psx-scene.com/forums/content/att ... emode.rar/

yuki koo uyi ty, popooooo uoka!!!!

(es un idioma que me he inventao.... a la, traduce) [+furioso]
mejores noticias para la 4.00 , en proyecto. hilo_en-proyecto-downgradeo-sin-flasher-con-psp-modo-factory-incluso-desde-4-00_1732335

por cierto con el Qa no hace falta ni modo servicio ni dongle para downgradear , solo funcionar para consolas 3.55 para abajo , ha dsia de hoy el mejor invento posoible en una ps3
se supone que esto sirve para hacer downgrade? pero si es un pkg solo se puede entrar por install pakage files, o desde modo recovery?

por que expongo un caso:

consolas que venían de fabrica con versión 3.55 o inferior y se encuentren en 3.56 ofw, podrían downgradear a 3.55 y desde ahí poner un CFW??
Entiendo que si se logra instalar el PKG en cualquier firmware se consigue entrar en SM y hay posibilidad de actualizar firmware ?

PD: Imagino que se puede modificar el PUB para añadir al XMB el install pack ? o no funciona al no tener las keys de vesriones > 3.55 ?
19 respuestas