Pues me he comprado el superpass 2 con programador y cuando me dispuse a programarlo con su programa me decia que estaba desconectado y eh probado con el Xlinx pero me da un error..aver si vosotros sabeis que me pasa..os dejo aki el log...Gracias
// *** BATCH CMD : setPreference -pref UserLevel:NOVICE
// *** BATCH CMD : setPreference -pref MessageLevel:DETAILED
// *** BATCH CMD : setPreference -pref ConcurrentMode:FALSE
// *** BATCH CMD : setPreference -pref UseHighz:FALSE
// *** BATCH CMD : setPreference -pref ConfigOnFailure:STOP
// *** BATCH CMD : setPreference -pref StartupCLock:AUTO_CORRECTION
// *** BATCH CMD : setPreference -pref AutoSignature:FALSE
// *** BATCH CMD : setPreference -pref KeepSVF:FALSE
// *** BATCH CMD : setPreference -pref svfUseTime:FALSE
// *** BATCH CMD : setPreference -pref UserLevel:NOVICE
// *** BATCH CMD : setPreference -pref MessageLevel:DETAILED
// *** BATCH CMD : setPreference -pref ConcurrentMode:FALSE
// *** BATCH CMD : setPreference -pref UseHighz:FALSE
// *** BATCH CMD : setPreference -pref ConfigOnFailure:STOP
// *** BATCH CMD : setPreference -pref StartupCLock:AUTO_CORRECTION
// *** BATCH CMD : setPreference -pref AutoSignature:FALSE
// *** BATCH CMD : setPreference -pref KeepSVF:FALSE
// *** BATCH CMD : setPreference -pref svfUseTime:FALSE
// *** BATCH CMD : setMode -bs
GUI --- Auto connect to cable...
// *** BATCH CMD : setCable -port auto
AutoDetecting cable. Please wait.
CB_PROGRESS_START - Starting Operation.
Connecting to cable (USB Port).
Cable connection failed.
Connecting to cable (Parallel Port - LPT1).
Checking cable driver.
Driver windrvr6.sys version = LPT base address = 0378h.
ECP base address = 0778h.
Cable connection established.
CB_PROGRESS_END - End Operation.
Elapsed time = 1 sec.
// *** BATCH CMD : Identify
PROGRESS_START - Starting Operation.
Identifying chain contents ....done.
ERROR:iMPACT:585 - A problem may exist in the hardware configuration.
Check that the cable, scan chain, and power connections are intact,
that the specified scan chain configuration matches the actual hardware, and
that the power supply is adequate and delivering the correct voltage.
Validating chain...
Boundary-scan chain validated successfully.
PROGRESS_END - End Operation.
Elapsed time = 1 sec.
PD: no estoi seguro de que puede ser...quizas del voltage?, kizas este estropeado el adaptador usb..podria acerle un puente a unas pilas o algo? :S