Fanjita Abandona

copio y pego

Fanjita acaba de anunciar en su página que ha decidido abandonar la scene en PSP. En breves palabras, Sony ha hecho un gran trabajo con la seguridad en el nuevo firmware. Ha estado investigando una copia del 3.00 que se había filtrado, y es muy complicado hackearlo. Su interés por PSP ha ido cayendo poco a poco, hasta el día de hoy. Ahora decide irse a desarrollar para la Gizmondo, ya que es mucho más fácil que PSP, aunque no tanto como la GP32x. Decir también que ha borrado el eLoader de su servidor, y también el foro dedicado a esta aplicación.

su carta de despedida

Following recent announcements about movie studios ditching the PSP, and after months and months of battling to bring homebrew to a console whose makers obviously don't want it, we decided that it's time to throw in the towel.

Therefore, as of now, there will be no more eLoader releases. Sorry. I know this may seem sudden, but it's been coming for a long time, our enthusiasm for the PSP has been slowly dwindling over the past couple of months.

The final nail in the coffin was spending the last few weeks trying to break a leaked copy of the v3.0 firmware release. Sony have done a really good job on this one, and we've given up hope of being able to crack it. Not even the GTA exploit works - it seems that Sony are really serious about security this time, and it's depressing. The slog ahead to try to crack what amounts to a total rewrite of the firmware just doesn't seem worth it. Good luck to anyone who does decide to try.

I've decided to move to develop for the Gizmondo, a console that has been neglected for homebrew, but where the battle isn't quite so unrelenting. Work has begun on an eLoader for the Gizmondo, allowing the same rich homebrew platform that PSP owners have grown to love. Some people will ask, "Surely the GP2X would be a better choice?", but I've always said that the GP2X doesn't offer any sort of a challenge. Sorry guys, but the Gizmondo really needs some loving...
rst está baneado del subforo por "No especificado"
a que eloader te refieres ?

Si ha retirado algo que hacia cosas ilegales, esta claro el por qué.
Le habran hecho alguna, visita...

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