En una web de un Teniente de la Guardia Nacional, se puede ver esto...
S Soldier support is the #1 priority.
N Never say, "it can't be done."
A Accept risk, and allow soldiers to make mistakes.
K Know your soldiers' problems.
E Exact high standards and lead by example.
E Earn your keep - use initiative.
A Acknowledge good deeds publicly; discipline privately.
T Training is not only everything - it is the only thing.
E Encourage employer and family interest and involvement.
R Respect all soldiers, regardless of their rank.
Aunque a mi, la replica me ha hecho bastante mas gracia...
S Silly titles make people wonder.
N Not that there is anything wrong with gays.
A Any character who names himself "Solid Snake" has issues.
K Knowing what people will think of it.
E Especially when you have a mullet.
E Even Stealth agents need a little lovin'.
A At the hands of a man.
T That's why Snake always grabs men instead of shooting them.
E Even "light in the loafers" describes Snakes soft steps.
R Really strange title....