Filtrado el vídeo promocional de Nintendo 64 en el Shoshinkai '95

A tan sólo unos pocos días del 20 aniversario de la presentación oficial de la Nintendo 64 en Japón, el usuario de YouTube, Rocky Pantano, ha conseguido en una subasta japonesa, un VHS con el vídeo promocional oficial de la consola que se mostró en el Shoshinkai de 1995 (futuro Spaceworld) y que mostraba por primera vez, imágenes in-game de la consola. Por consiguiente, ha decidido subirlo a YouTube.

Ya existían ripeos con extractos del vídeo promocional que aparecieron en programas de televisión extranjeros y en vídeos promocionales americanos y europeos de Nintendo, pero es la primera vez que aparece este vídeo completo y en bruto.

NB: Esto debe de ser del 96, porque las imágenes in-game no corresponden a lo visto en el Shoshinkai '95.
Interesante, muchas gracias por el video.
Gracias pero sólo dura 5 minutos... esta completo?
De volumen anda justito el video al menos desde la tablet hay que subir el volumen bastante
Gracias por el video. Qué gran consola!
volumen bajito peor verse se ve de maravilla para un vhs con tantos años
Que bonico el video.
Pero me asalta una duda.
Este video ha permanecido oculto 20 años? No parece una cosa exageradamente rara para desaparecer así, no?
Tolvatar escribió:Que bonico el video.
Pero me asalta una duda.
Este video ha permanecido oculto 20 años? No parece una cosa exageradamente rara para desaparecer así, no?

A saber las "mierdas" que hay guardadas en almacenes, trasteros y armarios...
Muchas gracias por el aporte! Menudos recuerdos...
Dan ganas de sacarla y echarse unos marios o perfect dark!!!
Alucinas la de cosas que habrá guardas y sin ver la luz...
Hey guys! Glad you all enjoyed the video. I'm the one who found the VHS tape and uploaded it to YouTube, someone told me someone posted the video here so I thought I'd drop in. The VHS came from a Yahoo Auctions listing I bought back in October.

Although SM64 looks very polished in this video, it doesn't look like it's in the final build. I posted this video on and a user found these differences with the footage:

"There are a lot of obvious differences, like different HUD icons, different coin sprites and different Whomp's Fortress painting at 3:55.
Then there are other small changes like a missing fence in Bob-Omb Battlefield at 4:39 and a missing arrow on the ramp at 4:41."

There might be more that he missed but who knows. I've also never played Pilot Wings and it's also featured in the video, so there might possibly be some differences there too.

Another curious thing with the video is the controller. If you pause at 00:39 you see this:

The joystick looks MASSIVE and appears to square notches instead of the octagon.

If you all have any questions let me know.
Siendo del 95 sería una beta del Mario claro, y aun así se ve ya bastante bien, diría que casi acabado. No sé por qué razones exactas no sacaron esta promo. A mí parecer la enfocan casi exclusivamente en un juego, y por mucho tirón que muy escaso. Supongo que no tendrían más material para poner teniendo en cuenta que la consola se retrasó un año en aparecer. Probablemente tendrían solo 2 o 3 juegos en parrilla.

Teniendo en cuenta que sus competidoras ya habían lanzado sus consolas tenían que ofrecer material promocional para mantener la ilusión y que no se frustraran y se pasaran a la competencia. También pienso ahora que suspenderían el vídeo porque la consola aun no se iba a lanzar de inmediato (no sé en qué mes del 95 sería, ya que la consola según parece se lanzó en Japón en junio del 96).

A mí me parece un anuncio curioso pero muy pobre como promo de lanzamiento, excepto para los seguidores muy acérrimos; casi solo aparece Mario y la consola parece un juguete (en este sentido Sony ganó por goleada, era una consola más "adulta") por muy bien que luzca el juego (aunque tampoco para ser considerado "next gen").
RockyP escribió:Hey guys! Glad you all enjoyed the video. I'm the one who found the VHS tape and uploaded it to YouTube, someone told me someone posted the video here so I thought I'd drop in. The VHS came from a Yahoo Auctions listing I bought back in October.

Although SM64 looks very polished in this video, it doesn't look like it's in the final build. I posted this video on and a user found these differences with the footage:

"There are a lot of obvious differences, like different HUD icons, different coin sprites and different Whomp's Fortress painting at 3:55.
Then there are other small changes like a missing fence in Bob-Omb Battlefield at 4:39 and a missing arrow on the ramp at 4:41."

There might be more that he missed but who knows. I've also never played Pilot Wings and it's also featured in the video, so there might possibly be some differences there too.

Another curious thing with the video is the controller. If you pause at 00:39 you see this:

The joystick looks MASSIVE and appears to square notches instead of the octagon.

If you all have any questions let me know.

Thanks you. ;)

RockyP escribió:Hey guys! Glad you all enjoyed the video. I'm the one who found the VHS tape and uploaded it to YouTube, someone told me someone posted the video here so I thought I'd drop in. The VHS came from a Yahoo Auctions listing I bought back in October.

Although SM64 looks very polished in this video, it doesn't look like it's in the final build. I posted this video on and a user found these differences with the footage:

"There are a lot of obvious differences, like different HUD icons, different coin sprites and different Whomp's Fortress painting at 3:55.
Then there are other small changes like a missing fence in Bob-Omb Battlefield at 4:39 and a missing arrow on the ramp at 4:41."

There might be more that he missed but who knows. I've also never played Pilot Wings and it's also featured in the video, so there might possibly be some differences there too.

Another curious thing with the video is the controller. If you pause at 00:39 you see this:

The joystick looks MASSIVE and appears to square notches instead of the octagon.

If you all have any questions let me know.

Thanks for sharing, awesome find. Any more videos on the tape?
snake218 escribió:
RockyP escribió:Hey guys! Glad you all enjoyed the video. I'm the one who found the VHS tape and uploaded it to YouTube, someone told me someone posted the video here so I thought I'd drop in. The VHS came from a Yahoo Auctions listing I bought back in October.

Although SM64 looks very polished in this video, it doesn't look like it's in the final build. I posted this video on and a user found these differences with the footage:

"There are a lot of obvious differences, like different HUD icons, different coin sprites and different Whomp's Fortress painting at 3:55.
Then there are other small changes like a missing fence in Bob-Omb Battlefield at 4:39 and a missing arrow on the ramp at 4:41."

There might be more that he missed but who knows. I've also never played Pilot Wings and it's also featured in the video, so there might possibly be some differences there too.

Another curious thing with the video is the controller. If you pause at 00:39 you see this:

The joystick looks MASSIVE and appears to square notches instead of the octagon.

If you all have any questions let me know.

Thanks for sharing, awesome find. Any more videos on the tape?

There was only that 5 minute clip on the VHS but it was looped for 60 minutes. This was presumably so stores could play it on a loop so they didn't have to rewind every 5 minutes.
pues se ve de lujo en plan 4k XD
un poco corto...
15 respuestas