› Foros › Noticias › El Buffer
IrenicusX escribió:Pues gracias a este portal Web he podido saber que Mozilla lanza mañana FireFox 3.5.2, aunque elloshan conseguido filtrar hoy las descargas, os dejo el enlace
"Mozilla ha anunciado la nueva actualización de su navegador. Se trata de FireFox 3.5.2, una versión de mantenimiento, la cual saldrá mañana, pero… desde UnderPC la podréis tener hoy en todos los idiomas y formatos multiplataforma."
Snakefd99cb escribió:¿Y siempre lo sabes a partir de esa página todo?
anderpr escribió:se supone que con esta revision va a parar el baile de actualizaciones que lleva mozilla o es el paso previo a que dentro de unas horas tengamos que descargar la version 3.5.3?
Ivaner escribió:anderpr escribió:se supone que con esta revision va a parar el baile de actualizaciones que lleva mozilla o es el paso previo a que dentro de unas horas tengamos que descargar la version 3.5.3?
vaya pregrunta, pues si encuentran bugs importantes los taparán y sacarán la 3.5.3 o la que sea, esto es ley de vida.
Bugzilla tu mismo puedes participar.
https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/buglist.cg ... 3A.2-fixed aquí tienes todos los bugs de la 3.5.1
y por si no quieres ver la página. y si ahora que estan tapados esos, pues se encuentran más... pues se actualizará para tapar los bugs que se hayan encontrado, espero haber sido explicito con la documentación que te he mostrado y te digo tambien que ningún software está libre de tener un bug o 70, y yo soy de los que prefiero que los tapen lo antes posible, a que me jodan vivo por culpa de no actualizar.
70 bugs found.
ID Sev Pri OS Assignee Status Resolution Summary
479667 enh -- Wind benjamin@smedbergs.us RESO FIXE Firefox should use SetProcessDEPPolicy to enable NX on XP SP3
501657 nor -- Linu benjamin@smedbergs.us RESO FIXE xulrunner-1.9.1 will fail to build if system ply <2.5 is found
503886 nor -- All bugzilla@standard8.plus.com RESO FIXE Allow non-mozilla central applications to use automation-build.mk
495798 nor -- Wind bzbarsky@mit.edu RESO FIXE background-color:transparent on button not honored in high contrast mode
504032 nor -- Mac bzbarsky@mit.edu RESO FIXE [FIX]Cloning media lists needs to copy mIsEmpty
500254 blo -- Mac chris.double@double.co.nz RESO FIXE Crash in vorbis_book_decodevv_add at vorbis_codebook.c:483
500978 nor -- All dao@mozilla.com RESO FIXE Download Manager treats search terms as regular expressions
495224 min -- All dtownsend@mozilla.com RESO FIXE Builds involving symlinks in the source dir fail to find config/config.mk
496287 nor -- All dtownsend@mozilla.com RESO FIXE App update incompatible list should not warn about disabled/blocklisted items
504706 nor -- Mac dvander@alliedmods.net RESO FIXE bug 502604 fix had bumpy landing on 1.9.1
493440 tri -- All ehsan.akhgari@gmail.com RESO FIXE URI elements in the Properties dialog should always be LTR
495495 cri -- All ehsan.akhgari@gmail.com RESO FIXE Entering Private Browsing mode prohibits keyboard focus on URL location bar
501124 cri -- Wind gal@uci.edu RESO FIXE Missing strtointeger path in js_StringToInt32
492200 nor -- All glennrp+bmo@gmail.com RESO FIXE Upgrade libpng to 1.2.37
497355 blo -- All igor@mir2.org RESO FIXE Assertion failure: STOBJ_GET_CLASS(obj) != &js_BlockClass, at /Users/moztest/comm/main/src/mozilla/js/src/jsscope.cpp:79
497363 maj -- Wind jmuizelaar@mozilla.com RESO FIXE qcms renders wrong colors on some "good" monitors
502574 min -- All john.p.baker@bristol.ac.uk RESO FIXE Defunct loop in onTitleChanged
502832 nor -- All jorendorff@mozilla.com RESO FIXE TM: Crash [@ memcpy]
502890 nor -- All jorendorff@mozilla.com RESO FIXE Assigning to a called method on trace does not change the object's shape
497172 enh -- All kaie@kuix.de RESO FIXE Add default OCSP responder for globalsign
497184 nor -- All kaie@kuix.de RESO FIXE Add default OCSP responder for trustwave
498500 nor -- Mac kairo@kairo.at RESO FIXE Mac DMG unpackaging is unreliable
493837 nor -- All l10n@mozilla.com RESO FIXE JarMaker fails when using ../configure directly
504043 cri -- Sola leon.sha@sun.com RESO FIXE Firefox will crash on sparc platform when some website.
505416 nor -- Sola leon.sha@sun.com RESO FIXE http://www.usatoday.com/ crash on sparc.
502273 nor -- Wind masayuki@d-toybox.com RESO FIXE contentEditable is disabled if an attribute is removed from the node
463075 nor -- Linu mozbugz@karlt.net RESO FIXE building xul app --with-libxul-sdk fails lacking nspr-config
500931 nor -- Wind mrbkap@gmail.com RESO FIXE xpcIJSWeakReference.get() unwraps XPCNativeWrapper
501270 nor -- Mac mrbkap@gmail.com RESO FIXE Assertion failure: !fp->fun || !(fp->fun->flags & JSFUN_HEAVYWEIGHT) || fp->callobj
501577 nor -- Linu mrbkap@gmail.com RESO FIXE Possible leak in nsXPCWrappedJS::GetNewOrUsed
502449 cri -- Mac mrbkap@gmail.com RESO FIXE Crash [@ __memcpy]
503817 cri -- All mrbkap@gmail.com RESO FIXE Assertion failure: original == thisv || original == OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(obj)
502723 nor -- Wind nick.kreeger@park.edu RESO FIXE updater checks the wrong MAX_PATH define
496534 nor -- All nobody@mozilla.org RESO FIXE [Packaged build+tests] mochitest-browser-chrome: browser_pluginnotification.js fails (and times out)
499429 nor -- All nobody@mozilla.org RESO FIXE [Packaged build+tests] mochitest-browser-chrome: "browser_tabs_owner.js | 4 tabs are open - Got 5, expected 4"
495098 cri -- All Olli.Pettay@gmail.com RESO FIXE Crash when using single XMLHttpRequest object for two simultaneous requests; test case included [@ nsXMLHttpRequest::StreamReaderFunc ]
496308 cri -- Mac Olli.Pettay@gmail.com RESO FIXE Crash [@ nsDOMPopupBlockedEvent::GetRequestingWindow]
500822 nor -- All paul@oshannessy.com RESO FIXE Importing passwords to mozstorage can fail when signons3.txt is corrupted.
498897 maj -- Wind peterv@propagandism.org RESO FIXE Web code gets "permission denied" error if a content policy is present
499770 nor -- All robert.bugzilla@gmail.com RESO FIXE um.activeUpdate is null in onStopRequest for some edgecases
503468 nor -- All roc@ocallahan.org RESO FIXE canPlayType should return "", not "no"
453689 nor -- Linu stransky@redhat.com RESO FIXE Firefox needs to register the proper name with session management for restart
491910 nor -- All ted.mielczarek@gmail.com RESO FIXE [Packaged build+tests] mochitest-plain: "test_bug391728.html | Test plugin was not found"
472097 nor -- Wind timeless@bemail.org RESO FIXE xul!nsMemoryImpl::IsLowMemory is broken on systems w/ lots of vm
488210 cri -- Mac tnikkel@gmail.com RESO FIXE "ASSERTION: Going to destroy a frame we didn't remove. Prepare to crash" with XUL listbox
504275 nor -- Linu ventnor.bugzilla@gmail.com RESO FIXE Bookmark favicon images with menus_have_icons=false
504647 nor -- All wes@page.ca RESO FIXE JITted regular expressions crash SPARC Nanojit
496917 blo P1 All dtownsend@mozilla.com RESO FIXE Can't include an arbitrary version name in the version field of the update xml
501275 maj P1 All gal@uci.edu RESO FIXE TM: Crash [@ nanojit::Assembler::nPatchBranch]
501605 cri P1 Wind nelson@bolyard.me RESO FIXE very slow startup for Firefox 3.5 due to accessing IE Internet Temporary Files and Windows Temp folder
504456 cri P1 All nelson@bolyard.me RESO FIXE Exploitable heap overflow in NSS shell expression (filename globbing) parsing
492720 nor P2 All ginn.chen@sun.com RESO FIXE libgjs failed to compile with jsopcode.h of Firefox 3.5 beta 4
451898 nor -- All bzbarsky@mit.edu VERI FIXE URL spoofing bug involving Firefox's error pages and document.write
495297 nor -- All catlee@mozilla.com VERI FIXE Unnecessary relinking of libxul
495058 nor -- All dao@mozilla.com VERI FIXE Location bar emptyText not shown when deteaching blank tab or about:privatebrowsing into a new window
496832 nor -- All dolske@mozilla.com VERI FIXE Disable media entries in context menu when media source is invalid
503750 cri -- All doug.turner@gmail.com VERI FIXE Crash when parameters of navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition are null [@ nsGeolocationRequest::SendLocation(nsIDOMGeoPosition*) ]
454047 nor -- All ehsan.akhgari@gmail.com VERI FIXE Pop-up locationbar is editable after session restore
496097 nor -- All gijskruitbosch+bugs@gmail.com VERI FIXE Handlers dialog list items have no accessible names.
393832 nor -- All longsonr@gmail.com VERI FIXE svg circle with infinite radius causes hang
495184 nor -- Linu mozbugz@karlt.net VERI FIXE current drag operation (dropEffect) is not updated while dragging outside the application
497723 nor -- Mac mstange@themasta.com VERI FIXE [Mac] Alltabs dropdown lacks scroll arrows
478528 nor -- All Olli.Pettay@gmail.com VERI FIXE mochitest-plain: test_bug419527.xhtml (and test_bug375314.html) intermittently leaks 300 kB, after using |document.addBinding()|
490253 nor -- All robert.bugzilla@gmail.com VERI FIXE TestAUSReadStrings.cpp: fix nits in result reports
490258 nor -- Wind robert.bugzilla@gmail.com VERI FIXE TestXREMakeCommandLineWin: fix nits in result reports
503308 nor -- Linu robert.bugzilla@gmail.com VERI FIXE Debug build failure in toolkit/mozapps/update/TestAUSReadStrings.cpp: undefined reference to `NS_DebugBreak'
397185 nor -- Wind sgautherie.bz@free.fr VERI FIXE test_textbox_number.xul fails when decimal separator set in Regional Settings is comma
475383 nor -- All ted.mielczarek@gmail.com VERI FIXE load plugins from $profile/plugins
479995 nor P1 Linu mozbugz@karlt.net VERI FIXE [linux] mozUserCancelled isn't implemented on gtk / pressing ESC while dragging a tab doesn't cancel the drag (bug 465608 isn't fixed)
487567 cri P2 OS/2 mozilla@Weilbacher.org VERI FIXE OS/2 cannot sign softokn3.dll after upgrade to nss-3.12.3
anderpr escribió:Ivaner escribió:anderpr escribió:se supone que con esta revision va a parar el baile de actualizaciones que lleva mozilla o es el paso previo a que dentro de unas horas tengamos que descargar la version 3.5.3?
vaya pregrunta, pues si encuentran bugs importantes los taparán y sacarán la 3.5.3 o la que sea, esto es ley de vida.
Bugzilla tu mismo puedes participar.
https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/buglist.cg ... 3A.2-fixed aquí tienes todos los bugs de la 3.5.1
y por si no quieres ver la página. y si ahora que estan tapados esos, pues se encuentran más... pues se actualizará para tapar los bugs que se hayan encontrado, espero haber sido explicito con la documentación que te he mostrado y te digo tambien que ningún software está libre de tener un bug o 70, y yo soy de los que prefiero que los tapen lo antes posible, a que me jodan vivo por culpa de no actualizar.
70 bugs found.
ID Sev Pri OS Assignee Status Resolution Summary
479667 enh -- Wind benjamin@smedbergs.us RESO FIXE Firefox should use SetProcessDEPPolicy to enable NX on XP SP3
501657 nor -- Linu benjamin@smedbergs.us RESO FIXE xulrunner-1.9.1 will fail to build if system ply <2.5 is found
503886 nor -- All bugzilla@standard8.plus.com RESO FIXE Allow non-mozilla central applications to use automation-build.mk
495798 nor -- Wind bzbarsky@mit.edu RESO FIXE background-color:transparent on button not honored in high contrast mode
504032 nor -- Mac bzbarsky@mit.edu RESO FIXE [FIX]Cloning media lists needs to copy mIsEmpty
500254 blo -- Mac chris.double@double.co.nz RESO FIXE Crash in vorbis_book_decodevv_add at vorbis_codebook.c:483
500978 nor -- All dao@mozilla.com RESO FIXE Download Manager treats search terms as regular expressions
495224 min -- All dtownsend@mozilla.com RESO FIXE Builds involving symlinks in the source dir fail to find config/config.mk
496287 nor -- All dtownsend@mozilla.com RESO FIXE App update incompatible list should not warn about disabled/blocklisted items
504706 nor -- Mac dvander@alliedmods.net RESO FIXE bug 502604 fix had bumpy landing on 1.9.1
493440 tri -- All ehsan.akhgari@gmail.com RESO FIXE URI elements in the Properties dialog should always be LTR
495495 cri -- All ehsan.akhgari@gmail.com RESO FIXE Entering Private Browsing mode prohibits keyboard focus on URL location bar
501124 cri -- Wind gal@uci.edu RESO FIXE Missing strtointeger path in js_StringToInt32
492200 nor -- All glennrp+bmo@gmail.com RESO FIXE Upgrade libpng to 1.2.37
497355 blo -- All igor@mir2.org RESO FIXE Assertion failure: STOBJ_GET_CLASS(obj) != &js_BlockClass, at /Users/moztest/comm/main/src/mozilla/js/src/jsscope.cpp:79
497363 maj -- Wind jmuizelaar@mozilla.com RESO FIXE qcms renders wrong colors on some "good" monitors
502574 min -- All john.p.baker@bristol.ac.uk RESO FIXE Defunct loop in onTitleChanged
502832 nor -- All jorendorff@mozilla.com RESO FIXE TM: Crash [@ memcpy]
502890 nor -- All jorendorff@mozilla.com RESO FIXE Assigning to a called method on trace does not change the object's shape
497172 enh -- All kaie@kuix.de RESO FIXE Add default OCSP responder for globalsign
497184 nor -- All kaie@kuix.de RESO FIXE Add default OCSP responder for trustwave
498500 nor -- Mac kairo@kairo.at RESO FIXE Mac DMG unpackaging is unreliable
493837 nor -- All l10n@mozilla.com RESO FIXE JarMaker fails when using ../configure directly
504043 cri -- Sola leon.sha@sun.com RESO FIXE Firefox will crash on sparc platform when some website.
505416 nor -- Sola leon.sha@sun.com RESO FIXE http://www.usatoday.com/ crash on sparc.
502273 nor -- Wind masayuki@d-toybox.com RESO FIXE contentEditable is disabled if an attribute is removed from the node
463075 nor -- Linu mozbugz@karlt.net RESO FIXE building xul app --with-libxul-sdk fails lacking nspr-config
500931 nor -- Wind mrbkap@gmail.com RESO FIXE xpcIJSWeakReference.get() unwraps XPCNativeWrapper
501270 nor -- Mac mrbkap@gmail.com RESO FIXE Assertion failure: !fp->fun || !(fp->fun->flags & JSFUN_HEAVYWEIGHT) || fp->callobj
501577 nor -- Linu mrbkap@gmail.com RESO FIXE Possible leak in nsXPCWrappedJS::GetNewOrUsed
502449 cri -- Mac mrbkap@gmail.com RESO FIXE Crash [@ __memcpy]
503817 cri -- All mrbkap@gmail.com RESO FIXE Assertion failure: original == thisv || original == OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(obj)
502723 nor -- Wind nick.kreeger@park.edu RESO FIXE updater checks the wrong MAX_PATH define
496534 nor -- All nobody@mozilla.org RESO FIXE [Packaged build+tests] mochitest-browser-chrome: browser_pluginnotification.js fails (and times out)
499429 nor -- All nobody@mozilla.org RESO FIXE [Packaged build+tests] mochitest-browser-chrome: "browser_tabs_owner.js | 4 tabs are open - Got 5, expected 4"
495098 cri -- All Olli.Pettay@gmail.com RESO FIXE Crash when using single XMLHttpRequest object for two simultaneous requests; test case included [@ nsXMLHttpRequest::StreamReaderFunc ]
496308 cri -- Mac Olli.Pettay@gmail.com RESO FIXE Crash [@ nsDOMPopupBlockedEvent::GetRequestingWindow]
500822 nor -- All paul@oshannessy.com RESO FIXE Importing passwords to mozstorage can fail when signons3.txt is corrupted.
498897 maj -- Wind peterv@propagandism.org RESO FIXE Web code gets "permission denied" error if a content policy is present
499770 nor -- All robert.bugzilla@gmail.com RESO FIXE um.activeUpdate is null in onStopRequest for some edgecases
503468 nor -- All roc@ocallahan.org RESO FIXE canPlayType should return "", not "no"
453689 nor -- Linu stransky@redhat.com RESO FIXE Firefox needs to register the proper name with session management for restart
491910 nor -- All ted.mielczarek@gmail.com RESO FIXE [Packaged build+tests] mochitest-plain: "test_bug391728.html | Test plugin was not found"
472097 nor -- Wind timeless@bemail.org RESO FIXE xul!nsMemoryImpl::IsLowMemory is broken on systems w/ lots of vm
488210 cri -- Mac tnikkel@gmail.com RESO FIXE "ASSERTION: Going to destroy a frame we didn't remove. Prepare to crash" with XUL listbox
504275 nor -- Linu ventnor.bugzilla@gmail.com RESO FIXE Bookmark favicon images with menus_have_icons=false
504647 nor -- All wes@page.ca RESO FIXE JITted regular expressions crash SPARC Nanojit
496917 blo P1 All dtownsend@mozilla.com RESO FIXE Can't include an arbitrary version name in the version field of the update xml
501275 maj P1 All gal@uci.edu RESO FIXE TM: Crash [@ nanojit::Assembler::nPatchBranch]
501605 cri P1 Wind nelson@bolyard.me RESO FIXE very slow startup for Firefox 3.5 due to accessing IE Internet Temporary Files and Windows Temp folder
504456 cri P1 All nelson@bolyard.me RESO FIXE Exploitable heap overflow in NSS shell expression (filename globbing) parsing
492720 nor P2 All ginn.chen@sun.com RESO FIXE libgjs failed to compile with jsopcode.h of Firefox 3.5 beta 4
451898 nor -- All bzbarsky@mit.edu VERI FIXE URL spoofing bug involving Firefox's error pages and document.write
495297 nor -- All catlee@mozilla.com VERI FIXE Unnecessary relinking of libxul
495058 nor -- All dao@mozilla.com VERI FIXE Location bar emptyText not shown when deteaching blank tab or about:privatebrowsing into a new window
496832 nor -- All dolske@mozilla.com VERI FIXE Disable media entries in context menu when media source is invalid
503750 cri -- All doug.turner@gmail.com VERI FIXE Crash when parameters of navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition are null [@ nsGeolocationRequest::SendLocation(nsIDOMGeoPosition*) ]
454047 nor -- All ehsan.akhgari@gmail.com VERI FIXE Pop-up locationbar is editable after session restore
496097 nor -- All gijskruitbosch+bugs@gmail.com VERI FIXE Handlers dialog list items have no accessible names.
393832 nor -- All longsonr@gmail.com VERI FIXE svg circle with infinite radius causes hang
495184 nor -- Linu mozbugz@karlt.net VERI FIXE current drag operation (dropEffect) is not updated while dragging outside the application
497723 nor -- Mac mstange@themasta.com VERI FIXE [Mac] Alltabs dropdown lacks scroll arrows
478528 nor -- All Olli.Pettay@gmail.com VERI FIXE mochitest-plain: test_bug419527.xhtml (and test_bug375314.html) intermittently leaks 300 kB, after using |document.addBinding()|
490253 nor -- All robert.bugzilla@gmail.com VERI FIXE TestAUSReadStrings.cpp: fix nits in result reports
490258 nor -- Wind robert.bugzilla@gmail.com VERI FIXE TestXREMakeCommandLineWin: fix nits in result reports
503308 nor -- Linu robert.bugzilla@gmail.com VERI FIXE Debug build failure in toolkit/mozapps/update/TestAUSReadStrings.cpp: undefined reference to `NS_DebugBreak'
397185 nor -- Wind sgautherie.bz@free.fr VERI FIXE test_textbox_number.xul fails when decimal separator set in Regional Settings is comma
475383 nor -- All ted.mielczarek@gmail.com VERI FIXE load plugins from $profile/plugins
479995 nor P1 Linu mozbugz@karlt.net VERI FIXE [linux] mozUserCancelled isn't implemented on gtk / pressing ESC while dragging a tab doesn't cancel the drag (bug 465608 isn't fixed)
487567 cri P2 OS/2 mozilla@Weilbacher.org VERI FIXE OS/2 cannot sign softokn3.dll after upgrade to nss-3.12.3
no lance la pregunta en plan puñalada, no te la tomes a mal.![]()
era tan solo porque de no haber actualizaciones, se ha pasado a una actualizacion casi constante, cosa que cuando sucede en IE, la gente ya salta al cuello de MS porque si esto, porque si lo otro....
tambien tengo que decir, y esto ya en serio, que por lo que veo el motor de actualizacion de firefox deja muchiiisimo que desear, porque en este momento estoy escribiendo desde el portatil y me ha dado por mirar que version de firefox tengo, y tengo la 3.0.11, le he dado a buscar actualizaciones y me ha saltado la descarga de actualizacion 3.5.2.
este ordenador es el portatil que usamos para ver el correo y demas, luego es el que se conecta todos los dias y siempre hay alguna actualizacion de los complementos, pero no ha saltado nada para el core de la aplicacion, cosa que estos dias he estado usando el de sobremesa para unas cosas del trabajo, y varios dias me ha saltado la actualizacion ella colas para 3.5.1, 3.5.2, etc...