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The new firmware have just been released ! NDS mode added, only use any passme with the supercard+cf(or sd) after applying the new firmware and the nds mode will be enabled ! All the homebrew work without any patch, but unfortunatly the real commercial roms will need a patch, but an universal patcher will be released ! for now only some SC patched roms works they can be found on the chinese supercard website

. But there is still a new post on the english website :
# Support NDS comercial roms and homebrew, but only support SC special comercial ROMS.
# Support both GBA mode and NDS mode, if you have PASSME or SuperPass, there is a NDS mode menu on up screen, and a SuperCard logo on down screen. Both GBA games and NDS games will list on the menu.
# GBA support like before, only list GBA games without PASSME or SuperPass.
# 1.50 firmware for GBA games should be used with SC software 2.40.
# NDS roms and demo do not need to covert.
# NDS Patch Program is in programming, clear roms can be coverted by user.
This is really a great news ! mostly because a supercard+passme is way cheaper than Neoflash !
I just tested it, the homebrew work well, the SC patched commercial games found on the supercard website works too but after a big loading time(white screen) when launching the game, and IN GAME LOADING TIME !!! to be precise, it's not when playing but when the game have to load something(for example when you begin a new puzzle at polarium. With the real game these loading was barely noticeable but really noticeable with the SuperCard unfortunatly ...
After more testing the loading times was due to that i had the wrong save size game in the passme, with the good save size game THERE IS NO LOADING TIME ! The 3 commercial games i tested run without any problem !
Enjoy the new firmware mirror here(better than downloading it on the crappy chinese SuperCard server believe me, old good 28k days...) :
O sea que parece que va bien

... vamos aver ande comprar una supercarda y un passme

¿ Alguna recomendacion ??