Firm Kreon 162C v1.0

Kreon a sacado la version 1.0 de su firm para los lectores samsung. Por lo visto trae mejoras suficientes como para actualizar. Os pongo las caracteristicas en ingles...
Para descargar desde aqui
A year has past, and the time has come for a small maintenance release. While the V0.8x releases have performed rather well, there's always room for improvements, even though most of them are well hidden and probably won't be noticed by most people.

Changes/fixes in this release..
- Major cleanup of code - the SH-D162C and SH-D163A now share the same code. This has been a painful job to do, but will make future updates so
much easier to handle.
- The firmware is now based on the official TS05/SB01 firmware as opposed to TS04/SB00 for earlier releases.
- Fixed a potential problem with the way that the RPC patching was done.
- The laser head is now parked in a known and safe position following SS extraction. This should fix the clicking noise, that some people
experienced from time to time.
- RPC settings stored in flash mem of the drive is now reset. This is not important for the patched firmware, but will leave the RPC settings as
they came from the factory, if someone, for some strange reason, should decide to go back to a non patched firmware.
- The feature list has been expanded to hold seperate feature entries for XBOX and XBOX360
- Fixed a bug that caused flashing of the drive to fail under some conditions (SH-D163A only)

This is what you get..
- Full challenge/response functionality.
- Two types of unlock for XBOX 360 game discs. One for making xtreme style images and one for making wxripper style images.
Both types of iso can be made using isobuster. Ripping using wxripper isn't supported for the time being
- A 'lock' function that will cancel any enabled unlock state. This can be very useful for custom applications.
- 'Error skipping' which basically speeds up the error handling of the drive. A complete wxripper style image (including video)
can be obtained in 15-16 minutes, when error skipping is enabled. Getting through the critical area of LBA 19408-20479 will take
you more than 20 minutes alone, if error skipping is disabled :(
- A much more streamlined command interface which is good news if you intend to write an application that makes use of the drives
extra features.
- The drive will default to unlock state 2 and error skip enabled when a 360 media is inserted. You can in other words use isobuster to
obtain a wxripper style image without issuing any commands to the drive :)
- RPC1 support (RPC-2 actually but with automatic change of drive region and RCE support)

Updating the firmware..
Read the Readme file ;)

Creating a backup..
This release of the firmware has been optimised for use with applications like Xbox Backup Creator and Schtrom360Xtract in mind. Using one
of these applications will turn the backup process into something as simple as click and burn, so the traditional isobuster ripping method is no
longer recommended. For burning, ImgBurn is recommended, but other applications like CloneCD can be used as well.

You will probably notice that the the drive reports as being RPC-2, if you use a program like DVDinfo - this is not a bug! The drive changes
it's region setting according to the media inserted. The region code listed in DVDinfo (and other software like it) is the current region
setting of the drive and it should match the region of the inserted media. If the media allows playback in more than one region, the drive
region will be set to the region with the lowest number. An example could be a disc allowing playback in region 2 and 4 players, which would
make the drive change it's region to region 2. Media with no region restrictions or with RCE protection will make the drive default to region 1.

And now some technical stuff....

Command set additions found in this FW..
FF 08 01 01 , 'Enable Unlock 1 (xtreme) state' as we already know it from the 360 xtreme modded drives.
This command is supported for legacy reasons only. Custom applications should use the new
'Set lock state' instead.

FF 08 01 11 xx , 'Set Lock State'
xx=00 - Drive locked (no unlock state)
xx=01 - Unlock State 1 (xtreme) enabled
xx=02 - Unlock state 2 (wxripper) enabled

FF 08 01 15 xx , 'Set Error Skip State'
xx=00 - Error skip is disabled
xx=01 - Error skip is enabled

AD 00 FF 02 FD FF FE 00 08 00 xx C0 , This is the well known SS extract commands from the xtreme FW.

FF 08 01 10 , 'Get Feature List'
This command will return a list of the additional features supported by the drive.
All values returned are 16 bit values, and the list is terminated with null (0x0000)
The two first words of the returned list always reads as 0xA55A 0X5AA5 in order to guarantee
that a reply from a drive not supporting this command correctly isn't mistaken for a feature list.

An example feature list could be:
0xA55A, 0x5AA5, 0x0100, 0xF000, 0xF001, 0x0000

This list would indicate that the drive supports XBOX360 Unlock 1, Lock and Error Skip, as it can be seen
from the values defined below:

XBOX 360 related features..
0x0100 : The drive supports the unlock 1 state (xtreme)
0x0101 : The drive supports the unlock 2 state (wxripper)
0x0120 : The drive can read and decrypt the SS
0x0121 : The drive has full challenge response functionality

XBOX related features..
0x0200 : The drive supports the unlock 1 state (xtreme)
0x0201 : The drive supports the unlock 2 state (wxripper)
0x0220 : The drive can read and decrypt the SS
0x0221 : The drive has full challenge response functionality

General drive features..
0xF000 : The drive supports the lock (cancel any unlock state) command
0xF001 : The drive supports error skipping

This is the complete list of defined features at the moment. If you're working on a custom application you
might want to contact me in order to get the latest list.

A big thanks must go to Redline99 and Schtrom for their never ending devotion to testing the firmware 8O). Thanks must also be passed to all the other guys at that never fails to amaze me - keep up the good work!

What's next.....hmm... it starts with an S and ends with a D or a B :)!
Pues a ver si la gente va probandolo a ver que tal va

Yo simepre dire que cuando salgan estos programitas qeu ocupan poco podian subir en algun enlace tipo megaupload, rapishare y derivados para ir probandolo si eso
Hasta el momento he tenido 0 problemas con la versión 0.81. De momento no voy a actualizar pq ya me va bien.

Un Saludo!
este firmware es fiable?
alguien lo ha probado?
soluciona problemas? me refiero como tipo juego bioshok,k me da fallos al empezar el juego y me dice k está sucio.
puede ser k tenga k actualizar firmware de la xbox a iextreme
mikelkatana escribió:soluciona problemas? me refiero como tipo juego bioshok,k me da fallos al empezar el juego y me dice k está sucio.
Eso es tu consola o el consumible no el firm del lector.
buenas,no se si a sido casualidad o yo k se,pero e actualizado a la version esta de kreon 1.00 k hay mas arriba,y me a ido el bioshok perfecto.y antes me daba el fallo de disco sucio.
mi proceso k e redescubierto con este firmware:
-back up creator 2.6
-lector samsung pc 162c con esta nueva actualizacion de kreon 1.00

1-habro backup creator 2.6
2-me meto en drive tools
3-le doy a unlock drive
4-luego le doy a securi sector y lo guardo donde voy a hacer la imagen
5-luego le doy a PFIsector y tb los gueardo en el mismo sitio donde voy a crear la imagen
6-tb le doy a DMI sector y lo guardo igualmente
7-luego me voy a read y lo coloco en complete back up y le doy a start, y lo k sale al lado del lector k tenemos esta en SPTI.
11-nos vamos a tools,setting,write y donde pone layer breack le damos a user especified y ponemos en la casilla para rellenar: 1913760
12-le damos a todo a ok
13-nos vamos a imgburn desde el principio despues del ok y vemos una imagen abajo a la derecha de un libro, le damos y especificamos nuestra grabadora,y le damos a la primera opcion dandole el valor de dvd+rom dl,y mas abajo la opcion DVD-ROM
y le damos a grabar a maxima velocidad y con verificacion de datos.

Remito:antes no me iban ni el bioshiok,ni moto gp 07,ni colin macrae,ni juegos de estos ultimos,pero si me iban los antiguos,y ahora me van todos.
Espero sea de ayuda
actualizado y he probado el pgr3 que es el unico que tengo [burla2]

Actualizado y es cierto que ya no oigo el ruido en el lector cuando lee las ss, por ahora los 2 backups que he hecho todo perfecto.

Un saludo.
Una pregunta , este firmware es totalmente valido entonces para el modelo 163 A (sata)

Alguien lo ha probado en este modelo???
Estaria muy interesado en saber k tal va
Yo lo tengo y va de perlas!
ola tengo el modelo de lector samsung dvd-rom SH-D162CTS04 y el firware que me he descargado de ese enlance pone que es....SH-D162C_TS05_V100. ES LO MISMO QUE PONGA AL FINAL TS04 QUE TS05?a lo mejor lo pone porque es una version mas podeis ayudar porfavor?nose que hace......saludos!!!
ivanlakersss6 escribió:ola tengo el modelo de lector samsung dvd-rom SH-D162CTS04 y el firware que me he descargado de ese enlance pone que es....SH-D162C_TS05_V100. ES LO MISMO QUE PONGA AL FINAL TS04 QUE TS05?a lo mejor lo pone porque es una version mas podeis ayudar porfavor?nose que hace......saludos!!!

Pues si se peude meter

aunque ponga ts05 es la version de firmware del samsung original en el que esta basado
Reproduzco un post editado hace unos días respondiendo a "Firmware Kreon 0.81"

"Ahí tenéis todos la versión 1.0 (última) de Kreon de todas las lectoras de DVD "válidas" para bajar libremente:

(Aparte de más utilidades necesarias)

Un Saludo.

.oO PM Oo.

P.D.: La instalación es trivial."

A ver si buscáis y no editais temas obsoletos...

- Por cierto, que podéis bajar TODOS LOS FIRMWARES EN LIBRE DESCARGA, las utilidades necesarias para hacer backups correctamente y alguna cosa más.

Un saludo de nuevo.

La documentación en cada README...
Gracias joemorgan por el enclace, ya estoy un poquito harto del rapidshare y del megaupload, realmente este enlace te da lo necesario para efectuar backups.
Ummm a ver si alguien tiene la SH-162A porque estoy loco buscando el firm y creo que no hay nada no??
Yo tengo el SH-D162D, me he descargado el firmware correspondiente lo he flasheado y el Schtrom me dice que la unidad tiene el firmware de serie y pasa de mi cara.... [decaio]

EDITO: Ya está solucionado, he descargado unas versiones mas recientes del Schtrom y del XBC que las que hay junto con los firmwares y funciona todo OK.

Un saludete
Esta semana tendre un 163B y probare haber k tal va....en cuanto este...posteo los resultados
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