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Alleged successful update from NEC ND-1100A to ND-1300A
Yesterday, one of our local website dealing with CD/DVD burning published an article claiming a successful update from NEC ND-1100A to ND-1300A. Those lucky ones, who understand Czech, may read the original article here. I'll try to sum it up for the rest of you.
1. Update the drive's firmware with Dell version A04 (download)
2. Flash the drive with ND-1300A firmware version 1.05 (FlashTool, firmware)
That's all. They claim to have been able to burn a Princo DVD-R media after this update.
I do not own this drive and I have not tested it myself! If you decide to give it a try, you do it at our own risk!
Si no me equivoco, esto servira para poder grabar dvd-r, el problema es que nose como se pone haber si tu me puedes ayudar
edito porke parece ser ke no se abren los enlaces
aqui esta la web