TXT Del FIX Commsoft 3.2 casero escribió:Comsoft & Albert FIX version III(2)
This fix is based on the IDEA of MATRIX TEAM PIC FIX
And on the previus version of Comsoft & Albert 35
coded by XcalibEr aka Comsoft on 19/02/2005
change from version III
On version III the TEST was active if during the first second the tray opend.
In this version the TEST mode will be active ONLY if the pstwo boot and TRAY is OPEN at the same moment.
the following changes has been done from Ver II:
1. the pic will shutdown RS2400FS a 1.5 second from boot regardless of the state of the TRAY - WHEN INT IS FAILD!!!
2. the Test mode (tray open) will shutdown the pstwo a 1 second from boot (not instently as before).
explenation on how the PIC Fix works:
1. if on boot TRAY is open enters to TEST mode.
2. wait 1 second for pstwo to finish initiation.
3. if in TEST mode it does IMIDIATE SHUTDOWN PSTOW.
this is anables to check in anytime needed if the PIC/FIX is working.
4. checks for INT for every 250ms at anytime if INT is HIGH (which means it's ok and the mechanics controller is not in deadlock)
the PIC code jump to WATCHDOG routine.
5. if 1.5 second from boot have passed and the INT is still not active then the PIC CODE mute the RS2400FS (CD/DVD DRIVER)
and by that disable any current flow to the lens and to the CD/DVD motors.
6. if 3 seconds from boot have passed the PIC CODE shutdown the pstwo to save the lens.
1. the PIC CODE check the INT line for every 1ms.
2. if the INT line FAILD (INT == LOW) for 50ms then the PIC CODE MUTE the RS2400FS CD/DVD DRIVER.
if after that the INT line return to be active (INT == HIGH) then the PIC CODE return the RS2400FS CD/DVD driver to active mode
and everything is back to normal and the user don't even know abot this.
3. if a 200 ms have passed and the INT line is still not active , this means MECHANICS CONTROLLER is in deadlock , and pstwo
is shutdown. we take no responsebility what-so-ever for using this code/pic.
any suggestions/remarks please send to
comsoft@cso.co.il hope one will decide to make this pic on a PCB so all can enjoy it