puyeseso acabo de flashear mi liteon y no me carga un backup que tengo el juego seguro que funciona por que lo probe con un lector benq esto es el log del flasheo
JungleFlasher 0.1.51 Beta
Session Started Tue Jun 23 00:52:06 2009
This is a 32 bit process running on a 32 bit CPU
Found 11 I/O Ports.
Found 2 Com Ports.
Found 4 windows drives.
Found 1 CD/DVD drives.
Loading DVDkey source file
Inquiry string found
Identify string found
DVD key found @ 0xA030 key is 00000000000000000000000000000000
Firmware is a Lite-On Dummy OSIG: PLDS DG-16D2S 7485
Firmware type is: DVDKey32 extract
Auto-Loading target file C:\ahora\si\no\ix151-liteon.bin
Target File MD5 hash is: 933ed9c64d5839c69628059fc1e2806d
Genuine Lite-On iXtreme 1.51
Inquiry area found
Current DVD key is 55AA55AA55AA55AA55AA55AA55AA55AA
Firmware is a Lite-On encrypted iXtreme OSIG: PLDS DG-16D2S 7485
Firmware type is: iXtreme v1.51-12X
Target f/w saved as: C:\ahora\si\no\Lite_CFW.bin
Sending Lite-On-Erase request to port 0xD000
Drive returned Status 0x80
Device Intro failed!
Sending Lite-On-Erase request to port 0xD000
Drive returned Status 0x80
Device Intro failed!
Sending Lite-On-Erase request to port 0xD000
Drive returned Status 0x80
Serial flash found with Status 0x72
Sending Vendor Outro to port 0xD000
Manufacturer ID: 0xC2
Device ID: 0x11
Flash Name: MXIC(MX25L2005)
Flash Size: 262144 bytes
Getting Status from port 0xD000
SPi flash found with Status 0x72
Sending Chip Erase to Port 0xD000
Writing target buffer to flash
Writing Bank 0: ................
Writing Bank 1: ................
Writing Bank 2: ................
Writing Bank 3: ................
Flash Verification Test !
Reading Bank 0: ................
Reading Bank 1: ................
Reading Bank 2: ................
Reading Bank 3: ................
Write verified OK !
pero de backup tu tia maria ayuda