FlatEditPSP v1.6.0 (editor de texto)


sepa que FlatEditPSP es básicamente a Libreta-como el editor de textos para su PSP. Viene con un teclado levemente diverso así como algunas otras características .

copio y pego:


L/RTrigger - change focus between keyboard->textbox->menubar (Except in dialogs).
Select - Screenshot.
Start - Forced exit.

Left/Right - Move selection column.
Square - Choose key on the pink row.
Triangle - Choose key on the green row.
Circle - Choose key on the red row.
Cross - Choose key on the blue row.
Up - Caps-Lock On/Off.
Down - Spacebar.

Hold Cross - Select modifier (like shift in notepad).
Directions - Move text cursor.
Square + Up - Page up.
Square + Down - Page down.
Square + Left - Home.
Square + Right - End.
Triangle + Up - Insert.
Triangle + Down - Return.
Triangle + Left - Backspace.
Triangle + Right - Space.
Circle + Up - Copy.
Circle + Down - Delete.
Circle + Left - Cut.
Circle + Right - Paste.

Left/Right - Select menu.
Cross/Down - Open menu.
Up/Down - Select menu item.
Cross - Open menu item.
Right - Expand menu item.

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