Copi and paste un text file que explica como hacerlo (segun esto tambien vale pal tenkaichi): Yo no lo he provado asi k no se si funciona.
This manual serves to put the elf of the cdloader (or that us of the desire) in the tree of directories(boards of directors) of a game with system of double checkup and this way double change of disc to save itself. On having loaded the backup, the cdloader would execute and despues the game, this way not tendriamos his(her) that to execute this application it(he,she) separates
Besides podriamos the same thing does with the feasible one of the SM 3.3 to solve the incompatibilities (both of the own(proper) game and of the manners online, demos included in games, extras, etc ...) of SM2.0
The programs that we will need are (everything you will find them easily for emulate, bittorrent or
-IsoBuster or Apache (I recommend the first one). - a publisher(editor) of Hexadecimal. I recommend the winhex 10.6 - the Sony cd-dvd generator 1.50-CDDVDHelper (optionally)-IML2ISO - software of recording of isos (DVDDecrypter, Alcohol 120 %, etc ..)
-Elf that let's let's want to load of beginning, since(as,like) cdloader (the version for mc of this one, which is parcheada in order that it(he,she) does not look for the ioprp, etc) In case we use the sles of the SM 3.3, here teneis both feasible ones (both of DVD and of CD) alone I have proved(tried) it with the version CD but with that of DVD also rulará.
-) first of everything and in order that conflicts do not happen, open my pc, give him(her) to tools / options of folder eyelash to see and desmarcad the option " to conceal the extensions of file for types of known file ".
1) We unload the files of the game with IsoBuster to the directory(board of directors) of the hard disk that let's let's want (for example C: \). For it we go away to the etiquette iso, button derecho/Extraer Name of the feasible one. We select C:\ and agree. Before closing the program, we return to give him to straight button on etiquette iso. We select information of the tree of directories(boards of directors) and archivos/Copiar information of the tree to an archivo/LBA Relative Route and select C:\
This us will create a file so called filelist.txt that will contain the files of the game (with his(her,your) LBA) DISORDERED. Now we close the IsoBuster.
2) We open Sony cd-dvd generator and create a new project of dvd (simple cap or double gelds). We add all the files of the game (the order is all the same) and in the eyelash volume, in disc name, put the SLES-XXXXX that has the game and in in License Area -> Europe (if the game is PAL). We guard the file .ccz in C:\ putting the name that let's let's want and we close the program.
3) (East I happen(pass) it(he,she) is optional, but it(he,she) serves to know if all the files of the game are where they must be). We open the CDDVDHelper and select the filelist.txt, select the .ccz and in car or manual seek we put car seek. In the field of the Path we select the directory(board of directors) in c:\ where the files of the game are and give him(her) START. Now then, in the field report (of the right) should not go out for us any mistake. If it(he,she) was showing some mistake we would have to repeat the process from the beginning.
With everything checked and OK we would close the program.
4) We return to open the Sony cd-dvd generator and open our file .ccz. We puncture in the eyelash layout. Now we go away to MS - TWO (or to the symbol of the system). We are bad cd\ us root goes to the directory(board of directors) and put sort filelitst.txt> listaord.txt in order that a new .txt generates us with the files of the program arranged by LBA.
We arrange the listaord.txt with what it(he,she) is in Layout and verify that they coincide with the order.
Now a chain of text will go out for you with this word and debeis to change it exactamnete into LOADER.CNF. Now it(he,she) would be advisable that grabárais the file with a different name because this file will serve you again for future games (you will be saved by all the work of this point). Now record the file with the name that had and give him(her) to button drecho Properties on the SLES of the game with which estais working. Copy the size (the size, not the size on disc) in bytes and it go with the calculator. Do the same thing with the file that habeis edited with the WinHex (elf of the cdloader) and it reduce to what you went with the calculator. With this result we go to WinHex. Just Oe situais at the end of the file (Position/Go to/End of File) edit grazes zero bytes and he(she) will ask you to add at the end of the file?, him(her) decis that if, him(her) poneis the result of the subtraction and to agree.
Guardais the file with the same name and comprobais in the properties that the same size has that the sles of the game. Already we would have the elf of the cdloader ready(clever).
6) Seleccionais the sles, you give him to f2, straight button to copy and renombrais as LOADEJJ.ELF (in capital letters) renombrais the elf of the cd loader giving the name of the sles and mueveis to the directory(board of directors) where tengais all the files of the game. We copy and stick from the same directory(board of directors) the SYSTEM.CNF of the game and open it with the block of notes. We edit what it(he,she) puts in order that this stays exactly:
BOOT2 = cdrom0:\LOADEJJ.ELF; 1 PAL SEES = 1.00 VMODE = PAL
NOTICES - it is very important that the file that is generated occupies exactly 56KB. If it(he,she) was occupying more or less tendriamos that to check again (it is possible that we still have some free space)-
We guard the document as LOADER.CNF (this file also is going to serve you for later(posterior) processes like that that it(he,she) is better to guard a copy) in the directory(board of directors) where tengais all the files of the game.
7) We open again the Sony cd-dvd generator and selecionamos our file .ccz. We add the LOADER.CNF and the LOADEJJ.ELF (do an Edit-Update Info for if to case) and we give him to the eyelash Layout. Now with move (select) and move (insert) dejais the LOADER.CNF below sles_xxx.xx and the LOADEJJ.ELF below the LOADER.CNF.
NOTICES - it be all the same like sles_xxx.xx or the SYSTEM.CNF they are not united or in the first LBA. The important thing is that always it(he,she) goes first sles_xxx.xx, then LOADER.CNF and LOADERJJ.ELF (it(he,she) is all the same that they are initially(originally), ultimately or in the way)-
Guardais the .ccz and exportais the iml as(like) juego.iml
Now generais the iso with the IML2ISO
And the grabais with your software of recording preferred (DVDDecripter is OK).
This manual can be applied to any elf (who executes from the MC) that happens to us. It if, if haceis with another elf, preserve the names that I have used for the files in order that everything goes out well.
Also it is possible to use, instead of to load elfs, load any sles that happens to us, as the sles of the SM 3.3 (it does not work with Superiors) solve problems of incompatibilities of games with previous versions (Splinter Cell Chows Theory, way online of the Burnout Revenge, etc). In this case we would make everything equal. Cambiariamos the sles of the SM 3.3 (already it is a version DVD as CD) for SM3.3. ELF and editariamos in Hexadecimal, but only we would change the chain SYSTE into GAME. For quite equal the rest. This also is applicable to another sles, as those of the Action Replay or CodeBreaker, which supposes a great advantage, because since(as,like) sabeis these discs do not load backups with tricks (they do not stop the lens for the change of disc) and with this method if that funcionarian with backups. Etc... Simply use the imagination.
It(He) is a bit laborious the process and some steps podrian to suppress, but if the seguis all the sure one that it you works. Besides aprendereis "something" of the world ripper and the world of sequences of load for LBA.
Here I will be to solve possible doubts