Parece que si...sino lee:
"I got a XtremeFM USB radio today to see if it was better then my AR2 and I can tell you it works so much better in my opinion. Here are some good points about the XtremeFM radio as a boot disk
1) You don't need any of the hardware plugged in to your ps2 all you need is the XtremeFM CD
2) Some of my touchy backups now run first time, they would take 2 or 3 tries with the AR2 because of timing
3) The speed the menu loads is very fast and it takes no time at all to get your backups running.
4) Timing when pressing X is a thing of the past as on the XtremeFM you press X while the CD try is open so timing doesn't matter
5) It makes it so easy well worth £25 even if you already have an ar2
Loading Instructions
1.Load XtremeFM CD
2.Go to start game and press x
3.Eject CD and replace with backup (don't close yet)
4. Press X then close CD tray at you leisure
5.Game runs
6.For EA games just use normal ar2 EA swap method
Esto lo saque de, todabia no me fio mucho, pero al poco timepo se vera...