pues lo mencionado anterior mente?si la respuesta es si¿como? por que con el cod4 no va solo me funciona con el demo de naruto....
edito:lista de juegos compatibles no se si hay mas :
* The Darkness
* Enemy Territory: Quake Wars
* Soldier of Fortune
* Resident Evil 5
* Devil May Cry 4
* N-Cube
* Warbit
* Dark Sector
* Turok
* Highlander
* Kane & Lynch
* Burnout Paradise
* FIFA franchise
* Legendary: The Box
* To End All Wars
* Rage
* WarDevil
* Dynasty Warriors 6
* Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
* Blacksite: Area 51
* TNA Wrestling
* Unreal Tournament 3
* Wheelman
* Cops (working title)
* Planet One (working title)
* Heroes over Europe
* Condemned 2
* Iron man
* The Club
* The Crucible
* The Incredible Hulk
* Blast Factor*
* Echochrome
* Elefunk
* Folklore*
* Formula One Championship Edition
* Go! Sports Ski*
* Heavenly Sword*
* High Velocity Bowling
* MLB 08: The Show
* MotorStorm*
* NBA 08*
* Pain
* Rat Race
* Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction
* Resistance: Fall of Man*
* Snakeball
* SOCOM: Confrontation
* Super Stardust HD*
* Toy home
* Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune
* WarHawk*
* WiepEout HD
* GripShift
* NBA 2K8
* Destroy All Humans 3
* Stuntman Ignition
* Assassin’s Creed
* Beowulf
* Haze
* Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2*
* Rainbow Six Vegas*
* Prototype
* The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena
* Juegos compatibles con el rumble mediante actualización