Sergirt82 escribió:A mí también me ha llegado el código. Ya lo he canjeado por la web. Allí sale que ocupa 374 MB. Cuando lo descargue en la PS3 ya veré si es real eso.
Kite escribió:Sergirt82 escribió:A mí también me ha llegado el código. Ya lo he canjeado por la web. Allí sale que ocupa 374 MB. Cuando lo descargue en la PS3 ya veré si es real eso.
Lo has canjeado en una cuenta USA de PS3, supongo que en PSP o Vita tienes también la cuenta USA no?
Sergirt82 escribió:Por cierto, confirmo que "solo" ocupa 374 megas.
xelivous escribió:vicireland escribió:The graphics weren't changed. The compression just took the air out of the disc-layout version of the image we submitted. On the original Japanese game, most of the second layer was voice. There's a LOT of dialogue in the game. So taking that out cut it almost in half, then not having to have a specific PSP UMD layout format allowed them to compress it further for digital release.
You know what, you're right; sorry about that! I just went through a (fairly long) process of ripping/extracting/converting various file formats of both versions of the game to compare them, and they actually ended up identical. I had to go out and actually get my phat PSP to test it and take a screenshot with CFW too~
in case anyone actually cares, an iso generated from sony's compressed english pbp is 912,064,512 bytes (869MB), while the iso generated from the japanese pbp is 1,754,464,256 bytes (1.63GB). definitely a lot of voices! (the JP pbp is 1.2gb btw)
Now, what the problem actually appears to be, is that the game puts a weird fullscreen diamond filter on everything for some reason? It might have been done as some kind of fake "anti-aliasing", since most of the font looks better with it enabled, but it simulataneously creates a terrible effect on large bodies of solid color like the "lake" on the world map. I never noticed it in the promotional screenshots either (i probably didn't look that hard tbh); looking back at them I do see the effect in them, some screenshots are far clearer than others, so it was always there.
Now obviously you won't notice it all that much on a PSP screen, and you likely won't even see it on your own screen right now; It *does* become far more noticeable on a Vita (at least for me on my slim) due to it's upscaled nature. And in case you can't see the difference, here's some comparisons zoomed in at 4x:
<--- with filter | without filter --->
that being said, thanks for the translation and all of the other effort you put into the localization vic. Hopefully I didn't come across as, uh, too complainy. I'm just really kind of particular about this kind of stuff, and I had never noticed this "problem" in any other PSP game i've played on my Vita before ;; I'd still like to get a version of the game without the diffusion shader onto my vita somehow, but I guess i'll live with the weird pixellated mess that it was made as.
vicireland escribió:Missile! escribió:So in the chapter where you fight logginz in the school tunnels, i tried to add skills with the main character at the beginning of pre-battle setup, and my game locked up with the error message:
entry over
Reported and fixed a couple days ago (check out the SN5 help thread). We're testing the fix now. Basically, prebattle is the most likely place for this to happen. Until the fix is out, try doing the acquire skills in your personal room, the blacksmith Ally menu, or the Shop Ally menu, as those seem to be less likely to do this.
vicireland escribió:We're still investigating the issue and the solution, but if it's a PSP UMD issue, we'll halt the process and fix the UMD image before the manufacture since putting out a UMD with a known crash bug is unacceptable.
vicireland escribió:4 de enero de 2016SonyVita escribió: Do we have an estimate for when the physical copies are going to ship?
We had to cancel the UMD that was the same as the initial PSN release, because no one wants an unpatchable UMD with a crash bug. Waiting on the timeline for the UMD without the bug. Everything else is ready, we just need the UMDs, but with only one factory in the world making them, it's a challenge.
Kite escribió:Visto lo visto, no quiero ser pájaro de mal aguero, pero con lo que está costando el tema de los UMD me da que nos olvidamos de ver el COH 3 en físico
vicireland escribió:Yesterdaymandy_moorehol escribió:Also, I'm not super familiar with Content Manager, and just to make sure I did everything right, I can delete my backups on my laptop and resend everything from my Playstation TV (in case I somehow accidentally sent you an older file of something). I'm not sure what else to try (is it possible there's something platform specific that is preventing the bug from being recreated on a PSP?).
Edit: complete save folder retransfered, rezipped, and resent
I'm on System Software 3.55, if that matters.
I can look into transferring my save file to my PSP and seeing if I can get the bug on it tomorrow, if that would help. I don't know what's all possible as far as capturing video of gameplay footage, but I can try recording a battle that causes the bug in some manner if that would help too.
I'm beginning to wonder if this bug is a PS Vita PSP emulation issue. We might have been trying to reproduce it on the wrong system. We'll give it a shot on the PS Vita systems starting tomorrow.
Sergirt82 escribió:Ojalá solo sea problema de la "emulación" de la Vita y se pueda tirar tranquilamente a hacer copias de los UMD sin tener que esperar a que lo arreglen y lo vuelvan a probar. Sino se hará "larga y dura" la cosa.
No sé qué haríamos sin los betatesters de "verdad".
vicireland escribió:We finally have a revised image in QA to get these UMDs made! We spent a long time testing trying to get the Yeng-Hua bug to happen and could not do it after weeks of trying and fans sending in saves to maybe help it occur for us. So in the interests of getting the UMD version shipped, we just zipped up the version with the most common bug fixed (Acquire Skill), as well as a secondary bug fixed that only happened in one place. I also made sure all fan-submitted text corrections verified and updated in this new version. Now we are on the way to getting the UMD made again so we can get the pallets of packaging and soundtracks fulfilled and out of our warehouse and into your homes!
It's been a trying month for us, since work couldn't stop on CoH3, the European SN5 release process, and other games we're working on, which is why I haven't been around for weeks. EVERYONE in our little group has been doing this in addition to all the other stuff that needed to be done for other games, so we're a little frazzled. But a heartfelt thanks for the patience as we worked through this. I'll be sending out an email to everyone who ordered the physical+digital to update the status. If this disc image gets through QA with no problems, I expect we'll see it on PSN about the middle of February, and we should have the UMDs around the end of Feb to ship out.
jmontero escribió:Yo tengo claro que va a ser muy dificil que les vuelva a comprar un juego a Gaijinworks, me parece lamentable que habiéndolo pagado en junio de 2015, y con estimación de envío a las 8 semanas, estemos en febrero 2016 y no tengamos ni expectativa de envío.... Estoy muy cabreado.
It's been a long road, but the master UMD manufacturing samples for the physical version of Summon Night 5 have finally come in from overseas, meaning we're just a few weeks away from finally shipping the physical version. We want to thank you all for your patience in this process. We destroyed the original UMD masters that contained the Acquire Skill bug and created a new build that fixed not only that, but another minor bug and some text errors, so we could release the most error-free physical version possible.
Now that the physical release is close, we want to make sure that any of you that have changed addresses since the presale have a chance to update your shipping information. So, if your address has changed, please send an email and include your order number (or numbers), your old address, and the new address so we can update them in our database.
Also, Summon Night 5 on PSN has been updated with the same fixes we made for the new UMD, and the new version will be posted to the North American PSN today - YES, TODAY - sometime in the late afternoon. To get the new version 2.0 from PSN, simply delete the game from your device and re-download it. Be sure to check the version number in the store before you re-download, though, to make sure 2.0 is posted and you don't waste time getting the same version you already have.
Note that, due to quirks in the version numbering system between PSN and physical releases, the updated PSN version of Summon Night 5 is 2.0, which is exactly the same, content-wise, as the updated physical UMD that will ship, which is version 1.01. So once you get your physical copy, don't worry, you have the latest version, despite what the version numbering may seem to indicate.
Thanks again for your patience while we worked to get an error-free physical release to you. We think you'll be happy with the result once you have the awesome physical version and soundtrack in your hands, at long last!
Sergirt82 escribió:Parece que ya se acerca su final.
caren103 escribió:Sergirt82 escribió:Parece que ya se acerca su final.
Toquemos madera porque parece que a Vic le ha gafado alguien... que no salga nada más gordo, porfi.
Si dice en unas semanas, pongamos que para abril si todo va bien.
En el mensaje de Vic dice que han destruído los UMDs con el máster del bug... podría haber hecho como los de Limited Run Games y enviarlos a boleo como regalo extra junto con el juego final.
Desde luego, de esta experiencia si tienen que aprender algo es que deben mejorar la comunicación con los usuarios (mismamente, hoy leía otros casos que están como yo: no les llegó el correo con el código digital del juego, enviaron un mensaje a Victor tal y como había que hacer, y hasta hoy sin respuesta ni código).
De cara a futuros proyectos, es de esperar una mejor organización; son poca gente (se ve que 3 incluyendo a Victor), pero si se hubieran saltado la clasificación por edades (que no es obligatoria) habrían ahorrado dinero y tiempo, tiempo que podrían haber dedicado a probar a fondo el juego en PSP/Vita/PSTV a fin de evitar que bugs gordos se les colaran.
Sergirt82 escribió:¿No te ha llegado el email con el código de descarga del juego en digital? Pues sí que les cuesta volver a reenviar el mismo email. En algún lado deben tener anotado el código de descarga que habrán dado a cada uno. Con comprobar los datos del correo otra vez que esté todo correcto tendría que ser suficiente.
caren103 escribió:Sergirt82 escribió:¿No te ha llegado el email con el código de descarga del juego en digital? Pues sí que les cuesta volver a reenviar el mismo email. En algún lado deben tener anotado el código de descarga que habrán dado a cada uno. Con comprobar los datos del correo otra vez que esté todo correcto tendría que ser suficiente.
Sí, creo que sí lo tienen registrado y pueden reenviarlo (en el CoH2 creo recordar que leí algo así), pero se ve que deben estar desbordados o a saber, porque que yo sepa a nadie con este problema le han dicho ni mú.
De hecho, y de forma más preocupante, he leído un caso de un comprador del CoH2 al que el juego le tardaba mucho en llegar y trató de contactar con Victor en vano. Al fin le llegó el envío original, pero en todo ese tiempo de respuesta de Victor no tuvo ninguna.
Desde luego, deberían mirar cómo solventan el tema de la comunicación a fin de mejorarlo... pero primero que nos envíen el SN5 físico, leñe.
Sergirt82 escribió:La semana que viene lo reciben en VGP: ... 1861800960
¿Se sabe algo de Gaijinworks?
vicireland escribió:Today, 01:52 AM
Not dead, haven't forgotten my password, etc, etc. I couldn't say anything really because the timelines were so screwed up, and there's a couple other pretty major things for other projects that were unexpectedly thrown into the mix we had to deal with (and are still dealing with) to really slow everything down. I can't talk about the other stuff (some good, some bad...pretty bad), but it will all come out over time, and you'll see what we were dealing with behind the scenes.
Anyway, some of you that got in like minute one, might have yours today or tomorrow. We'll be rolling out all the shipments daily now. Once you have it in hand, you'll immediately be glad you got in before our presales closed and didn't have to get it elsewhere.
Kite escribió:Alguno de los de aquí tiene constancia de que se lo hayan enviado? Por saber si va con tracking o por ordinario
Sergirt82 escribió:Esa caja de cartón doble...... parece una caja de zapatos. Y se ve bastante magullado.
caren103 escribió:Sergirt82 escribió:Esa caja de cartón doble...... parece una caja de zapatos. Y se ve bastante magullado.
No sé si lo entendí mal, pero se ve que esa caja es la caja del envío, tal cual.
Sergirt82 escribió:La cartera me mirará con cara rara el día que me lo entregue.
caren103 escribió:Sergirt82 escribió:La cartera me mirará con cara rara el día que me lo entregue.
Podría ser peor... imagínate una caja así del Senran Kagura, pero como la portada inversa en España.
(* Imagen procedente de este post de Misantropo:
hilo_ho-senran-kagura-estival-versus_2033619_s330 ).
Edito: Espero que venga aunque sea dentro de una bolsa, porque una caja así ahora que lo pienso parece pasto de aduanas.
TotallyDrew escribió:Talking The TRUE Summon Night 5 Variant Gallery Thread
For those of you who were willing to open up your LE's lets get a Gallery Going. Post What variant you guys got and I'll update the main post with Which Letter corresponds to Which Variant.
A - ULUS10656A Coversheet/Inside/UMD (courtesy of gnark1ll420 )
B - ULUS10656B Coversheet/Inside/UMD (Courtesy of Mandy Moorehol)
Summon Night 5 Variant B.jpgSummon Night 5 Variant B(2).jpg
C - ULUS10656C Coversheet
Attachment 1264
D - ULUS10656D Coversheet
Attachment 1265
E -ULUS10656E Coversheet/Inside/UMD (Courtesy of TotallyDrew)
Summon Night 5 Variant E.jpgSummon Night 5 Variant E(2).jpg
G - ULUS10656G Coversheet/Inside/UMD (Courtesty of Tubsiwub)
Summon Night 5 Variant G.jpg
Once again, Thanks Vic for providing such an awesome LE and for bringing this stuff to the fans!
Sergirt82 escribió:Yo tampoco me he atrevido a quitar las pegatinas. Hasta el celo grande que hace de cierre lo he cortado por la mitad.
Por lo que veo hasta las carátulas de cada unidad son diferentes, y no son indicativas del dibujo del UMD que puedas tener dentro. Por un lado tengo la carátula D y por el otro la G.
caren103 escribió:Lo que comentas de UMD y carátula, ¿suena a que te la han montado "a boleo"? ... ery-Thread
Si es así, ¡ahora la tuya es MÁS rara y tiene más valor!
Sergirt82 escribió:El de GW se lo debe haber pasado bien montando todo este tinglado xD.
Sergirt82 escribió:@caren103 ¿Y a ti cuál te ha tocado?¿O ni siquiera has abierto la caja y tal cual la recibiste la has puesto a buen resguardo?
vicireland escribió:UMD production has definitely stopped for the West. The last factory was in Austria (where SN5 was made), and that UMD line closed at the end of March. There's one factory running Japanese UMDs, but that will close soon, too. We're trying to slip CoH3 in there, but it's not been done before, so it's complicated. Worst case, CoH3 will be digital only, but I'm doing everything I can to get it out physically, too.
vicireland escribió:Unfortunately, Class of Heroes 3 will be our last PSP game. There's not even a facility to get new PSP games approved within Sony anymore, so that market is done.
A digital SEGA CD version of LUNAR would be cool, but it's definitely in dream territory for the time being. I don't see it happening anytime soon.