Previews:Resistance 2 - Screens look good. In MP, players are set up in squads with "rival" squads on the other time. Game determines if one squad is dominating the other and alerts the rest of your team. Points are given for shots landed instead of kills. Kill more and die less, bonuses are given out. Kill steaks mark you with a multiplier on your head for the opposing team.
Fable 2 - Early in the game, you collect warrants for officers. You can choose to turn them in to them, or to crime lords. Decision affects how the city turns out after the timeskip.
LotR: Conquest - From Pandemic. Looks like the spiritual successor to SW: Battlefront.
Madden 09 - Uses Madden IQ. A test when you start up the game that determines how easy/hard the game will be for the user.
Infinite Undiscovery - Party is AI controlled. System is similar to SO3. Not much info.
Gears of War 2 - Nothing new
Dead Space - Zero gravity sections in the game, a telekiesis glove as well.
Killzone 2 - Nothing New
Project Origin - Dev talks about some scenes.
C&C: Red Alert 3 - Soviets go back in time and kill Einstein...which leads to Japan becoming a massive global power. Co-Op campaigns (27 missions). Focus on naval combat.
ToS: Dawn of the New World - The main characters town is destroyed in a raid led by Lloyd Irving.
NCAA 09 - Nothing new.
Warhammer 40k: Dawn of War 2 - Interesting campaign structure, your forces are persistant from mission to mission, gain xp and salvage equipment from battle to customeize.
Mercenries 2 - 6 factions fighting for oil, can swim now and fast travel to spots. The world is persistant and dmg lingers as long as the system stays on. 130 vehicles.
Sacred 2 - drop in/out co-op
Valkyria Chronicles - le olde but both english and japanese will be on the US version.
SOCOM - 7 maps, (Crossroads, Desert Glory and Frostfire included), 32 players matches, 7 modes. Clan based ranking system only.
Silent Hill Homecoming - nothing new
Castlevania: OoE - follows SotN but before Bloodlines. glyph system equips weapons and items to her back and arms. duel wield weapons.
Tecmo Bowl - hasn't changed much. can you classic or stylus controls.
Tomb Raider: Underworld - can take pictures to upload, screens show Lara vs. a Kraken. Graphics look pretty good.
MGS 4 - 10, 9.75
"MGS4 accommodates player choice unlike anything I have ever seen, providing you with the tools to overcome obstacles in any way you choose." "The freedom even extends to the Boss Fights." "...a landmark gaming experience that continually astounds with it's variety, depth, and intelligence."Battlefield: Bad Company - 9.25, 9.25
Single player campaign ok, multiplayer awesome (CoD4 type ranking system).Civ Revolution - 9, 9.25
"Hands down, best strategy title to appear on consoles to date."Hellboy: Science of Evil - 7, 6.75
Iron Man - 3.75, 4.25
Grid - 9, 9.25
Lego Indy - 7, 7
Nascar 09 - 8, 8
Quake Wars - 8, 7.25
Ninja Gaiden 2 - 8.75, 8.5
Mass Effect - 9.5, 9.75
Haze - 6.25, 5.75
Boom Blox - 8.5, 8
We Love Golf - 6, 6.25
Blast Works - 8, 8.25
Final Fantasy Tactics A2 - 8.75, 9.25
Hot Shots Golf Open Tee 2 - 8, 8
Secret Agent Clank - 8.5, 8.5
Rumors: Silicon Knights Up For Sale, Tim Schafer unhappy with Activision merger and looks to shop Brutal Legend around, and a snippet saying Rush's Moving Pictures is next Rock Band DLC album after The Pixies' Doolittle.