Gamecube IGGY v1.0 (stream/ripper)

Sobre el cierre del foro

Durante más de dos décadas, la pasión por exprimir al máximo el potencial de las videoconsolas ha sido una parte fundamental de EOL. Sin embargo, la masificación del juego en línea (que impide la modificación de la consola para otros usos) y la proliferación de multitud de dispositivos como portátiles de uso general y media centers han ido relegando la scene a un papel más secundario.

En este contexto y, tras ser advertidos de que el contenido de numerosos hilos del foro podría infringir los derechos de propiedad intelectual o industrial de terceros y analizar con nuestro servicio jurídico la situación, hemos decidido cerrar el foro. En consecuencia, tampoco se podrán volver a tratar los contenidos de este foro en otros foros de temática general.
Aki os dejo una version de un programa que es parecido al Gc Loader Gui, pero este con una funcion para el Stream tambien...

Es decir que pones donde esta el Psul, la imagen, y el Loader y te locarga....y tambien le dices donde esta el Riptool.dol y el Psul y te hace el Stream del juego...

Probadle y me decis


-IGGy (Integrated GameCube Gui) is an all-in-one GameCube utility for uploading code to your GameCube, streaming games, and ripping images of your GameCube discs.

Usage Notes:

-IGGy includes psul v1.1 for uploading .dol or .bin files to the GameCube.

-IGGy includes riptool.dol for ripping images from your GameCube discs.

-You can also select any upload program, or .dol/.bin file manually.

-The 'Sender Options' menu allows modification of the psul.exe command line and supports all psul options. In addition, 'Batch Mode' will run psul continually. When psul is finished sending it will automatically restart and wait for another connection (very useful when testing homebrew apps).

-The 'DOS Box Options' control how the shelled programs' (psul, loader) windows will appear. By default IGGy will resize (clip) and reposition the DOS boxes. It detects your OS and tries to clip them correctly. You can turn off or modify these options in the menu. If 'Reposition' is turned off the DOS boxes will appear normal.

-Check the boxes next to the 'EXE' buttons to choose whether you want to run the UL program, the Loader/Streamer program, or both. This applies only to streaming. When ripping, the Loader/Streamer file is ignored, and the UL program is always started.

-Ripping supports Pause/Resume function - tested.

-File selection options saved in .ini file.

Known Issues:

-DOS boxes do not alway stay with the GUI. If the GUI is minimized manually the DOS boxes will follow and will restore when the GUI is restored. If the GUI is minimized using 'Minimize All Windows' or 'Show Desktop' the DOS boxes will not follow the GUI when it is restored.

-Ripping is a little slower than some of the other programs out there.

-Ripping percent complete shows 100% a little before the process is finished.

-Not all options are saved in the .ini file. More saved options may be added at a later date.

Developer's Notes:

-Percent complete (ripping) and KBytes received are all I will implement. No progress bars, byte offsets, etc...

-I may continue trying for better ripping speed. If anyone has any tips on increasing speed feel free to share!

Aki esta el Link:
pechelin está baneado por "Clon para saltarse un baneo"
Yo con mi graveyrd y mi GC2ISO con su GCM utility, no llega ni al mega. Con eso, estoy conforme... pero ta bien.
Nueva version, IGGY v012:

Fogbank, de Maxconsole nos trae nueva version de esta aplicacion:


-Fixed bug with 'Show Desktop' and 'Minimize All Windows'. DOS boxes will now restore with GUI when GUI is resored.
-Implemented standard .ini file handling.
-A few more user settings saved to .ini file.
-Fixed another bug with DOS boxes not "sticking" to GUI.
-Added error checking on image file and GC file.

Saludos [buenazo]

Os adjunto:


nueva version del IGGY 1.3 MAJOR speed icrease, quiere decir que major lo he probado pero ya me direis...

-MAJOR increase in ripping speed (about 2x)!
-Added screen resolution detection and positioning of GUI based on resolution.

V.1.3 a features:

-Fixed 'Permission Denied' error when program is closed while default sender is running.

Saludos [oki]


Otra verssion mas incluye:

V1.3b Release Notes:

-Fixed sensitive timing issue with 'Stop' buttons (you had to click them quickly to stop the shelled programs).
-Brought back the 'Upload Options' and 'Stream / Rip Options' labels that were missing since V1.2.
-IGGy can now be moved when DOS apps aren't running.

Saludos [oki]


Y otra mass:

V1.3c Release Notes:

-Fixed size of GUI window. Labels at the bottom of the window (KBytes Received, Percent Complete etc...) were cutoff when window was resized after psul closed.

*Reminder* - This program does NOT allow you to copy GameCube games by itself. It does not include the GC program necessary for that function. If you want to use the program for that reason you must supply the GC program to do so. This program can be used to receive data from any properly configured network device and write it to a file. The author is not responsible for the misuse of this program.

Como jode currar noche....fijaos a la hora que acabo :o , bueno pero pagan mas jejejeje [beer]


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