Gamecube Laser Tweak ?

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Durante más de dos décadas, la pasión por exprimir al máximo el potencial de las videoconsolas ha sido una parte fundamental de EOL. Sin embargo, la masificación del juego en línea (que impide la modificación de la consola para otros usos) y la proliferación de multitud de dispositivos como portátiles de uso general y media centers han ido relegando la scene a un papel más secundario.

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Gamecube Laser Tweak ?
posted by malloc at 07:13 pm on 25-12-2004
Quote from Speedi at Afterdawn

here goes. When you remove the lens unit, turn it over and remove the metal case.
Then you will find what I call the Lens unit Mobo. (see picture)
There is a pot in the middle of it (see picture) My Viper GC didn't read a lot of brands 8 mm disk.
My value was 380 ohms. I reduced it to 250 and I have had no problem since. (almost every brand 8mm Disk I tested Emtec/Sony/optodisc/Memorex work perfectly Burned @ 2 speed)

I have "vipered 2 more GC's" and measured their Values I was supprised to see that their standard values were between 180 and 250 OHMS.

So that's why I consider the Value optimized between 200 and 230.

Tested with

Sony Habdycam 8cm DVDR 1,4 GB (burned @ 2 Speed)
Optodisc 8cm DVD-R 1,4 GB (burned @ 2 Speed)
Memorex 8cm DVD-R 1,4 GB (burned @ 2 Speed)
Lead-Data 8cm dvd-r 1,4 GB (burned @ 1 Speed)
Emtec DVD-r 1,4 GB (burned @ 2 Speed)
Work perfectly

This counts for the US and PAL CUBE (haven't tested on the Panasonic Q (don't even know how to "viper" that one) and haven't tested it on the JAP cube)
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