Servicio muerto, de su discord. Me da que entre otras cosas se encontraron con demandas de las compañías de siempre.
I know everyone is getting impatient, we are too! It has proven a lot more difficult to iron out the legal details than we had anticipated. Hopefully we have more news in the coming days. Meanwhile, we’ll make changes to our offerings which we’ll announce soon as well. Thanks for your support and understanding, we’re getting there!
It's with a heavy heart that after a successful test phase and enjoying a large surge of reservations, we've not been able to find a way to continue. And trust us, we've looked at a lot of options.
We hoped to be able to start very small and scale slowly. Cloud Gaming is hot right now, for better or for worse. The positive is that there's a lot of interest, but there's also a lot of big companies betting on this, and we wanted Gamenube to be something that was significantly different from everyone else, as we were never going to match the money and raw manpower.
What we've shown so far, is that we can build a competitive solution using Public Cloud, which I think is an impressive feat by itself. But is our offering significantly different from everyone else? No, except that we had the hardware capacity to activate users immediately.
And remember when I said we wanted to start small? To our surprise (we are engineers, after all), it was very costly to get started from a business perspective, getting the proper authorizations, lawyers, banking fees, and so on. That means that to be even close to not losing money (while not getting any money ourselves), we'd have to operate at a much larger scale than anticipated.
We're lucky that we have such a great community of more than a thousand people in such a short amount of time, and we most likely already have the reservations needed to operate at the scale needed, but, we simply don't have the number of people needed to run an operation of that size, which means that we'd look at hiring more people immediately, only further increasing the initial investment to get started.
As we've not had the time to build the features to make Gamenube truly different, the risk of investing that much money (for us) is not something we're comfortable with, considering we know how fierce the competition is, and everyone is improving rapidly.
We'll keep Discord open, and I'll be there to answer as many of your questions as I can. You're also welcome to shoot me an e-mail on
Thank you for your support, it's been amazing.
Dennis @ Gamenube