Esta guia ha sido lanzada en el foro oficial de Gateway. El QR Code será lanzado muy pronto(quiza hoy o quiza mañana). 5 personas del foro oficial de Gateway estan testeando la beta y ya casi se va a lanzar. Aqui os dejo la supuesta guia para instalar la GW en vuestra consola. Lo que me pregunto yo es si se podra jugar online o no.
This is an unofficial guide, but figured I would post it so people could be familiar with the method before official launch. I will update the guide when the "official" QR page is online on Gateways website.
- A 3DS on firmware 5.0 or higher, but LOWER than 9.4
- A working Wifi + Internet Connection Profile on your 3DS (don't turn on the 3DS wifi until the right step to avoid automatic update nag window)
- A PC or device with a web browser and internet connection
- The latest Launcher.dat from Gateway on your SD Card (The one that goes INSIDE your 3DS, not the Gateway Red card)
- One Mii character already created on your 3DS (If you don't have at least one, you won't be able to get to the QR Scan option)
Let's get started!
Open up your Mii Maker
Choose "QR Code/Image Options"
Choose "Scan QR Code"
Now, on your web browsing device (preferably a PC), go to the Gateway QR page (link coming soon) and choose your MODEL (Old/New 3DS) and Firmware version. I am using a New 3DS XL (AUS) so I chose New 3DS and my firmware which was 9.0.0-20E.
If you have a 3DS with a wifi switch, turn it on now!
If you have a New 3DS, press the Home button, then press the Settings button (Top Left Corner, it looks like a house with a wrench on it). Scroll down to "Wireless Communication/NFC" and switch it ON. Press Home two times and it will return you to the QR Scanner.
Point your 3DS at the QR code on your Web device
No, this isn't a real code from the GW Site, don't bother trying to scan it!
At this point, your 3DS screen with flash white then go black. As of right now, you must WAIT at the black screen (They may add text later? Not sure) until it can finish downloading the Stage 1 payload from Gateways servers and install it to the system profile. When it is done, your 3DS will restart.
You don't need it any more
Now, place your Gateway Red card into your 3DS. Your system may freeze for a brief second, but once you have control again, press Select to open up the Multi-ROM menu, choose a ROM, and enjoy!