Hibiki-naruto escribió:Entonces Gelon....
Esta es la ultima version k Saldra del Emulador (ultima version en mayor compatibilidad y mejoras del rendimiento)? si es asi... puff, vaya putada...
Yeah, I really don't want to abandon it. I'm happy with what I've done and have hit more diminishing returns along the path I wanted to follow, but there's still a lot more I want to at least try.
Eso es lo último que dijo Exophase respecto al gPSP, dice que "le gustaría" hacer otra versión pero de querer a que finalmente se haga, va un trecho
Y esto es la opinión que le merece Takka
Then there's FF6 support. gpSP has had FF6 fixed for a really long time now (way before Takka released his version that played it), but I didn't bother because I want to encourage people to use the SNES version. FF6 had one of my favorite soundtracks of all times and the GBA version totally butchered it. You might argue that gpSP would emulate it faster, but the game totally rapes the GBA and gpSP has to skip a ton of frames in battle. If I'm going to release a version that plays it I want to at least make it faster.
Then you have lots of other little things that feel like they're added because they're done by someone who has time to waste and doesn't have to worry about the real issues involved in coding an emulator. Loading bars, when most things take no more than a couple seconds to load. Battery life/time display, when you get the same thing by pressing start. Configurable locations for directories in several separate files - do users really need to specify this so badly or could you just have fixed directories?
Most of these things feel like they have nothing to do with improving GBA emulation, and don't even really improve the emulator but they make it "feel" like it's more like other emulators. And people see this and feel like a lot of improvements have been done.
Viene a decir que el soporte para FF6 (que es un filtro, un mapper o alguna de estas historias) ya estaba hecho hace tiempo pero que prefería que la gente usara el de SNES (que va comor'culo) porque tiene mejor banda sonora (ahí se le ha ido la pinza ... no se que tendrá que ver una cosa con la otra). Dice igualmente que la emulación no está muy fina y de hacerlo emulable al menos que vaya mejor que el de SNES
Jejeje, esto me recuerda los buenos tiempos de la emulación donde Dave (creador del Final Burn e implementador de los XORS en el emulador) se quejaba de la falta de ética de los creadores de Final Burn Alpha y Nébula (españoles como no xDD) ... snifff
![tristón [triston]](/images/smilies/nuevos/triste_ani2.gif)
(quiero que vuelva emumanía.com)