Gboot – a ReBooter in Development for the Reset Glitch Hack

The Russian Team over at is working on a ReBooter (hot-reboot of the console into a hacked 360 kernel allowing unsigned XDK software – like done for the SMC (JTAG) hack before) for the Reset Glitch Hack (RGH):

Gboot is working
Today it’s not a great day for the J-Tag owners. After some weeks with a lot of work, it is real.
Gboot is running. Gboot is the first kind of rebooter for the Glitch Hack.
Gboot is no rebooter, like Freeboot. It can actual only boot one game at the time. Now it is a developer version, but there come a ready complete rebooter.
Ok what must you do, to play a game? You need a working Glitch Hack and a dump of the nand.
So why a dump of the nand? We create a nand image with a hacked 13599 Kernel and hardcoded gamepath.
Ok now lets go to Xell Reloaded, we put our fresh generated xenon.elf to a USB drive and plug in into the xbox.
Power on your xbox and enjoy the show.
Yes it works the first game, with a Glitch Hack.
We work hard, that you can enjoy a dashboard like the original, but actual it can only boot a default.xex an nothing other.
And now we feel sorry, for all the J-Tag owners. But guys you are out.
This is a developer version, be patience a public tool comes in a few weeks.
informacion recopilada de Team Xecuter ... itch-hack/
LEADER82 está baneado por "clon de usuario baneado"
diegohalbo escribió:The Russian Team over at is working on a ReBooter (hot-reboot of the console into a hacked 360 kernel allowing unsigned XDK software – like done for the SMC (JTAG) hack before) for the Reset Glitch Hack (RGH):

Gboot is working
Today it’s not a great day for the J-Tag owners. After some weeks with a lot of work, it is real.
Gboot is running. Gboot is the first kind of rebooter for the Glitch Hack.
Gboot is no rebooter, like Freeboot. It can actual only boot one game at the time. Now it is a developer version, but there come a ready complete rebooter.
Ok what must you do, to play a game? You need a working Glitch Hack and a dump of the nand.
So why a dump of the nand? We create a nand image with a hacked 13599 Kernel and hardcoded gamepath.
Ok now lets go to Xell Reloaded, we put our fresh generated xenon.elf to a USB drive and plug in into the xbox.
Power on your xbox and enjoy the show.
Yes it works the first game, with a Glitch Hack.
We work hard, that you can enjoy a dashboard like the original, but actual it can only boot a default.xex an nothing other.
And now we feel sorry, for all the J-Tag owners. But guys you are out.
This is a developer version, be patience a public tool comes in a few weeks.

esto no se habia confirmado que era fake?
LEADER82 escribió:
diegohalbo escribió:The Russian Team over at is working on a ReBooter (hot-reboot of the console into a hacked 360 kernel allowing unsigned XDK software – like done for the SMC (JTAG) hack before) for the Reset Glitch Hack (RGH):

Gboot is working
Today it’s not a great day for the J-Tag owners. After some weeks with a lot of work, it is real.
Gboot is running. Gboot is the first kind of rebooter for the Glitch Hack.
Gboot is no rebooter, like Freeboot. It can actual only boot one game at the time. Now it is a developer version, but there come a ready complete rebooter.
Ok what must you do, to play a game? You need a working Glitch Hack and a dump of the nand.
So why a dump of the nand? We create a nand image with a hacked 13599 Kernel and hardcoded gamepath.
Ok now lets go to Xell Reloaded, we put our fresh generated xenon.elf to a USB drive and plug in into the xbox.
Power on your xbox and enjoy the show.
Yes it works the first game, with a Glitch Hack.
We work hard, that you can enjoy a dashboard like the original, but actual it can only boot a default.xex an nothing other.
And now we feel sorry, for all the J-Tag owners. But guys you are out.
This is a developer version, be patience a public tool comes in a few weeks.

esto no se habia confirmado que era fake?

noo,, simplemente, aun moderador, le salio cerrarlo por que si, y el mismo dijo que era fake,,, pero de fake nada, ya que lo ponen en

su pagina oficial. y no hay por que dudar de los rusos,,estos,,,,,,

esto es lo que puso el moderador para cerrar el hilo me quede [boing]

Nuevo mensajepor JaRaBcN 19 Sep 2011 23:23
Por el momento no hay nada y todo son conjeturas.

De tal manera que cerraré el hilo, si esto llega a alguna parte real reabriré el hilo, de mientras todo son dudas sin responder y no va a llevarnos a ninguna parte más que a más conjeturas.
en logic sunrise confirmaron que era fake, si no os da la gana leer...
Un hilo lleno de dudas, conjeturas y sin pruebas tangibles no sirve de nada, por eso mismo cerré el anterior hilo.

Y como comenté en ese mismo, si sale algo a la luz, se reabrirá según corresponda. Abrir más hilos sobre lo mismo no ayuda en nada a mantener el foro ordenado.
5 respuestas