Pues hace ya 2 meses que voy visitando el foro oficial de GCOS y hoy me iba a pasar para soltar alguna cara o algo en el hilo que decia "GCOS 1.5 en un mes" (que se posteo a finales de mayo...) pero, cual es mi sorpresa que me encuentro un hilo con el mismo titulo que este!!!
Os paso a citar lo que se dice en ese post:
emu_kidid escribió: GCoS Is NOT DeadIt's about time I came back out of the woodwork and talked about what's going on with GCoS development.
The bad news:
As we had mentioned earlier, we ported the GCoS code over to libogc so we can improve the current build's features and add in memcard support and all other sorts of features users can benefit from. However, one problem with libogc is that games cannot boot due to an issue in libogc's kernel. Quite simply put, this means that even with our new drivecode (this is not the drivecode's fault at all), games will not execute. So, we decided to put GCoS on the back-burner and take a bit of time with our real lives. We also ran into some real time-wasters along the way, such as getting the bios to boot on all the current modchips (except ripper///GC) which took about 2 months to figure out and code how each one needs to be initialized.
The good news:
This doesn't mean that there's no new release(s) planned, we have a developer who has greatly improved the current src with many features such as 100% full proof .dol booting (so i'm told

) and some very unique drivecode functions. Also, DRE free as far as idle bug is concerned and DVD-/+R Noswap and possibly audiofix/multiboot. This version should/could be out in a few days/weeks.
As for the official libogc version of GCoS, expect it to pop up around august as I have exams atm and will need to get all the developers back for some long coding hours.
P.S. We haven't forgotten about the no-mod users of this scene!

Lo que nos viene a decir que decidieron pasar todo el codigo a libogc (libreria opensource para gamecube) y que eso les ha traido muchos problemas, a parte de los ya conocidos como el abandono de uno de los mejores coders que tenian... de paso han aprobechado para tomarse un respiro y gozar de su vida REAL (aunque seguro se habran viciado a la GC mas de un rato y de dos... ejeje)
En cuanto a las buenas noticias, cuentan que una nueva incorporación les ha ido de lujo, ha pasado mucho codigo con exito a libogc y que puede cargar .dol (?), no tengo muy claro lo que dice de los DRE, si es devido a un bug o si ya saben de que vienen, de paso mencionan la posibilidad de un audiofix y multiboot.
Hasta agosto no se sabra nada, ya que parece que algunos tienen examenes y tal... (ATM?)
Bueno... esperemos que continue, que el GCOS en su momento fue un triunfazo en la carga de juegos en consolas sin modificar!!!!