GCS - Gamecube Studio V0.1alpha

Sobre el cierre del foro

Durante más de dos décadas, la pasión por exprimir al máximo el potencial de las videoconsolas ha sido una parte fundamental de EOL. Sin embargo, la masificación del juego en línea (que impide la modificación de la consola para otros usos) y la proliferación de multitud de dispositivos como portátiles de uso general y media centers han ido relegando la scene a un papel más secundario.

En este contexto y, tras ser advertidos de que el contenido de numerosos hilos del foro podría infringir los derechos de propiedad intelectual o industrial de terceros y analizar con nuestro servicio jurídico la situación, hemos decidido cerrar el foro. En consecuencia, tampoco se podrán volver a tratar los contenidos de este foro en otros foros de temática general.
Aqui os traigo otra aplicacion sacada del foro de Maxconsole.

Es un programilla parecido a el Gc Loader Gui ese que le dices donde esta el PSUL, el DOL, etc... y lo carga...

Probadlo y ya me direis....

Saludos [tomaaa]

Release Notes:

This is a early alpha release, so don't expect that anything
will run perfectly, i have tested the most things a few times
and fixed some critical stuff, but hey - i'am not perfect

-Ripping: This is not really optimized, i hope that i can get
it a bit faster next time (a rip tooks me around 59 minutes)
and sometimes it is a bit CPU intensive.


- PC
- GC
- PSO (CubeGame)
- Some handy tools for the Cube

This package has no loaders, dols, or other things included,you can
add them by copying your stuff into the preferred folders! Feel
free to use your own dir names, it's configurable

Studio <- Application main path
Studio/Dolfiles <- put your dolfiles here
Studio/Loader <- things like s3-acl13.exe
Studio/Psul <- for Psul or PSload

First Start:

If you start GCS the first time, a dialog will popup that you don't
have a valid config file (no, i don't include it).

Configure this dialog right, and i think all will be good

Functional (Hopefully):

-Configuration things (First start, MAKE ALL SETTINGS CORRECT!!!!!)

-Selecting and combining different PSUL's PSLOAD's with DOLS/BINS

Select your PSUL/PSLOAD, Select dol, select loader, select Image,
now press start and all will workin (Turn off -i for PSLOAD,i will
fix this in the next release)

-Selecting and combining Loaders with Disc images in conjunction
with the PSUL thing's.

You can select all your combinations in one flow, by pressing start
GCS will do the rest for you.

-Test settings works ok (lol)

Ok this was easy for now

-Streaming works quite well here, for now you can only view the
Raw Transfer by turning the Option "RAW" on.

For streaming an Image to your PC, select the psul, and riptool.dol
Click on the Text "Select a filename", hit connect and turn
on your cube!

If you don't know how this works: Google is your friend!!!!!!!!!!

To Do List:

-Progress Bar while streaming

-Automatic self configuration when selecting another PSUL/PSLoad
fixing the nasty ip sucker, autoselect config for each uploader

-Games List, auto add settings usw usw (integrated but buggy)

-More configurable

-many other things that i don't remember yet

Feel free to post your wishes @konsoleforces.ws or maxconsole.com
Eurasia.nu or j0ne.de



pechelin está baneado por "Clon para saltarse un baneo"
Ta bien, pero busco uno que admita el PSOloader 2.0 que a mí, no me chuta y paso de comandos de msdos.
pues el YaGCGui13 admite el psoload2 ya lo publicamos en el foro

y este tambien
lo has probado tu arri?
a mi me sigue gustando mas el yagcgui
Me sigue gustando mas el YaGCui1.3, ya que tiene para poner sus banners y tal y es chulo....

Pero bueno nunca viene mal tener cosillas nuevas no??

PD: berny6969 no consigo hacer funcionar lo de NES, creo el DOL pero a la hora de ejecutarle en la GC me pone "La linea esta desconectada...." Solo me pasa con esto, con lo demas va bien....no se que os**as pasara....ya me contaras (o Deckard)

Saludos [mamaaaaa]
arridj lo mandas con el psul o con el psoload
es que a mi con el psoload no me va bien tampoco prueba con el psul 1.1
berny6969 lo he probado con el psul 1.1 y si va bien....

saludos [oki]
Otra nueva version..... ahora se llama GC Commander v0.6, pero en fin que en realidad es lo mismo....

Aqui os la dejo....

Release Notes:

This is the second (major improvements) release from GC commander
which was named "GC Studio" in it's alpha Version.

I got mail that someone on the Net wishes that i change the Name
so that we get no conflicts about "Naming" - ok - done

This (hopefully stable) Release brings ya a lot of new features,
read in :

- Ripping should work now perfekt
- Progressbar added (ripping)
- Bytecounter added (ripping) - Shows ya how much is "save"
- Completly rewritten the Config Part
- switches for PSUL/PSLoad are now full functionally
- Config Part integrated (can save and restore Game/App specific
- added the ability to change your game dir from the main gui
- added errorhandling if you have stored your Games on CD/DVD
- added errorhandling for Netcode

- a bunch of code fixes and some things i forgot now
autodetection of Loader (PSUL/PSLOAD)

- Changes the switches / Config for each detected Loader
Gui handles this by itself

- added the ability to give PSOLoad it's own ports
(Server and Client)

some other fixes

Known Bugs: Game Dir (i hate this part, new version - new bug) but it works ok (shows : iso,bin,gcm here)

berny6969 esta version si va con el PSO 2.0...

Saludos [boing]


Y sigue, y sigue y sigue.......

Otra version mas...pero esta ya es todo en UNO......Probadla a ver que tal..

PD: Os deseo, a toda la comunidad EOL un FELIZ Y PROSPERO AÑO 2004

....Y esta noche a liarla!!!!

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