Herramienta para activar algunos contenidos de PSN comprados anteriormente y que por motivos no estén activados al no conectar con PSN o rechazar las políticas online de Sony (si no he entendido mal):
News come late to me today regarding another tool released by Gitbrew which enables some legally purchased PSN content for those who are unable to get on PSN or refuse to agree to Sony's useless EULA.
NoPDRM v.1.0
With the release of mallory's NPDRM-enabled ps3tools, it was remarkably simple to re-enable your legally purchased PSN titles.
Overview of steps: unself2 -> make_self_npdrm -> pkg.py
Tools you need: ps3tools modified for NPDRM use (included) make_self_npdrm from geohot's tools (included in psl1ght) pkg.py (included in psl1ght)
To use the NPDRM ps3tools you need: Your console's IDPS Your console's exdata folder (/dev_hdd0/home/xxxxxxxx/exdata/) Your PSN titles (/dev_hdd0/game/NP*)
The get_idps.pkg file can be installed on your PS3. When run, it creates a file called 'idps' on the root of an attached USB drive. Copy this idps file to your PS3KEYS folder. Make sure that your PS3KEYS folder has the appldr NPDRM keys. One pair was included in mallory's ps3tools release and more can be found at Keys Appldr FTP your PS3's exdata folder to your PS3KEYS folder (e.g. ~/.ps3/exdata). Now the NPDRM modified ps3tools have all the keys they need to decrypt PSN games.
Copy a PSN title to your computer. Run nopdrm.py with the PSN game's folder and the output package names as arguments.
Example: nopdrm.py NPUB90126 mgsdb.pkg
The resulting package can be installed on your PS3 and will play without any PSN licensing restrictions.
NOTE: PSN titles that use encrypted data files (*.EDAT) will likely not work.
nopdrm.py outputs a warning if it detects a EDAT file in the PSN title.
Work on decrypting EDAT files is underway.
NOTE: All pkgs were tested with OtherOS++ MFW. Results are not guaranteed on other firmwares.
Please report any bugs to #otheros on gitbrew's IRC.
Thanks: juan nadie glevand geohot fail0verflow gitbrew
solera48 escribió:¿es lo que usa el teem duplex? ¿solo es para linux? Estoy un poco perdido gracias
A ver no es lo del Team Duplex, por que si has leido la primera linea pone.
Herramienta para activar algunos contenidos de PSN comprados anteriormente y que por motivos no estén activados al no conectar con PSN o rechazar las políticas online de Sony (si no he entendido mal).
Por lo que si no tienes un juego comprado no te lo va activar. Esto es lo que faltaba habia mucha gente con contenido comprado que no podia jugarlo. Estas herramientas son las que molan