Ya está disponible la nueva versión de Gnome...
Alguien me explica como insttalarla en ubuntu soy newbie
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Celebrating the release of GNOME 2.16!
Today, the GNOME Project celebrates the release of GNOME 2.16, the latest
version of the popular, multi-platform Free desktop environment.
Released on schedule, to the day, it is the culmination of six months effort
by GNOME contributors around the world: hackers, documentors, usability and
accessibility specialists, translators, maintainers, sysadmins, companies,
artists, users and testers. Due to their hard work, we have another great
release to be proud of - thanks very much to every contributor!
You'll find plenty of information about GNOME 2.16 in our extensive release
notes, linked from the 2.16 start page.
All about GNOME 2.16:
Meanwhile, GNOME developers around the world are looking forward to working
on fresh new features for the next version of GNOME, due in March, 2007.
- The GNOME Release Team