Hello everybody, I am Stravingo, the author of Treasures of Gaia.
Sorry for not speaking spanish

I managed somehow to understand what most of you said thanks to Google translation
I want to thank all of you for your compliments and to announce that Treasures of Gaia v0.2 is available
on my blog.
Some people said that it was difficult in v0.1 to find a precise location because it lacks of reference points such as city locations. Well, the biggest improvement in this new version is that you can now switch between a satellite view and a map by pressing button A!
Other improvements are the following:
- You can zoom on a site by clicking a second time on its location on the map.
- Partially translated in French (about 80%).
- Better looking map on the upper screen (less JPEG compression).
- Bugfix: the zoom was not centered properly.