PS5 and Xbox Series X both seem to operate with similar resolution metrics too. Both fidelity and performance mode seem to hang around 1800p - there is evidence that dynamic resolution scaling can occur but, nine times out of 10, the pixel counts come back with a 50 out of 60 count sample suggesting it doesn't really scale often and perhaps could stand to be a little more aggressive in performance mode. Series S, however, sits lower with fidelity mode coming in around 1440p while performance mode is in the realm of 1080p instead.
Xbox Series X is pretty much the only solid version available for 60fps gaming, and even that isn't perfect. Frame-rates can drop hard when the action heats up, dipping beneath 40fps - which simply isn't acceptable for a remaster of a 20-year-old game. VRR can help to some degree but even that isn't enough to fully eliminate the sensation of judder. So, how about dropping to fidelity mode with a locked 30fps? Performance is indeed capped at 30fps, but inconsistent frame-pacing makes it look like it's running with significant issues. In fact, every 30fps version of the Definitive Edition has this problem. It's ridiculous. This problem was solved in UE4 years ago.
On PlayStation 5 using performance mode, initial impressions suggest that performance is worse than Xbox Series X and it's true - the frame-rate is less consistent. Then I went back to gather more frame-rate analysis footage and found that it was reasonably stable leading me to wonder what's going on... then it started raining and it hit me. The PS5 version, in performance mode, retains visual features reserved for fidelity mode. Reflections on wet surfaces and improved cloud rendering both seem to remain active when using performance mode on PS5 and it has dire consequences when it comes to frame-rate. So, it's almost like performance mode is the same as fidelity mode but with the frame-rate cap removed. As a result, this mode feels pretty terrible to play - it's just not smooth enough in my experience. 30fps fidelity mode? Frame-pacing issues. The route to a locked 60fps is simply to download the PS4 version. Running the PS4 Pro codebase solves the problem, but it results in a hit to visual features and a cut to resolution - with pixel-counting results often coming in at just 864p. ... d-the-uglySe confirma lo que había sugerido en su momento fruto de algunos análisis de rendimiento que había visualizado: la versión de Xbox Series X es más estable que la de Playstation 5, pero sin obviar que aún siendo más "estable", puede llegar a caer hasta los 40 fps, lo que Digital Foundry define como algo ridículo. También explican que la mayor inestabilidad de la versión de Playstation 5, se debe a que el modo rendimiento es de facto el mismo que el modo calidad, sólo que sin limitar los fps a 30, de ahí que se ejecute peor que el modo rendimiento de Xbox Series X.
También se confirma lo que algunos teorizaban: la manera de jugar sin problemas de caídas en la tasa de fotogramas por segundo este recopilatorio en Playstation 5... Es ejecutando la versión de Playstation 4
![carcajada [carcajad]](/images/smilies/nuevos/risa_ani2.gif)
Eso sí, renunciando a jugar en Full HD, claro, conformándose con 864p...
Análisis muy duro y contundente, sin pelos en la lengua. Ahora ya no es cuestión de impresiones ni opiniones, sino de hechos: esta trilogía está mal optimizada y programada (Digital Foundry también refleja lo que muchos apuntaban: que se han cargado efectos que tenían una función estética en la versiones originales, destruyendo la atmósfera de estas entregas).