Guardar y meter tus propias canciones del Daigasso

Pego aquí el post de NDS-Spain por si alguno de los que pululan por aquí no lo hacen por allí ^^

Bueno, he estado viendo un tutorial y me he quedado flipado, desconocia de algo como esto. En teoria, con este tutorial puedes guardar tus propias canciones creadas dentro del Daigasso y pasarlas al PC, luego estas canciones las puedes volver a meter al juego, puedes meter también canciones que hayan hecho otros evidentemente. Además hay algunas canciones de las que Nintendo sirve en los kioskos ^^

Aquí en teoria hay un editor de canciones para el BB
En esta web hay algunas canciones, tanto de Fans como de Nintendo

El tutorial (en inglés) os le pego aquí

I apologize that, at the moment, it's really poorly documented, and I have yet to set up the web pages for it. However, I thought it would be useful to put it out there anyway.

I cannot stress enough that you need to make a duplicate of the save image that the AR MAX creates and store it somewhere safe. I would really hate it if someone managed to destroy their hard work in this game. Future versions will have a much more foolproof way to save and load the save images.

Here's a quick run-down of what you need in order to use existing Band Brothers songs posted on the Internet, or to share your own songs.

Hardware requirements: Action Replay MAX for GBA/DS, a DS or a GBA (yes, you can run the MAX in a GBA), a copy of Daigasso! Band Brothers

Software requirements: The "win32" download from

1. Unzip the file into a new directory.

2. Using your AR MAX software, back up your D!BB save directly into your PC database -- this stores your save into a .dss file in C:\Program Files\Datel\Nintendo DS - GBA Max Drive\PC. It will not fit in your "vault" (the DS MAX's onboard memory). Make a copy of this .dss file and put it somewhere safe... just in case.

3. Run the "dbbsed" program from the directory you created in step 1.

4. In the Save Editor, File - Open - Action Replay DS MAX save file. Navigate to C:\Program Files\Datel\Nintendo DS - GBA Max Drive\PC, and find your .dss file for the backup you made in step 2.

5. The songs in your save will be listed in the Save Editor window. You can rearrange them with Move Up and Move Down now.

6. If you want to replace a song slot with a .bbs file, select that slot and press Import. You can use .bbs songs posted on the internet by users of the Band Brothers Music Editor.

7. If you want to save the contents of a song slot to a .bbs file, select that slot and press Export. You can zip these up and share them on your website.

8. You can also backup and restore the game data from your save without touching the songs -- use Import Game Data and Export Game Data from the File menu to do this.

9. When you're done, File - Save (make sure you backed up your .dss file first!)

10. If you've backed up your original .dss file somewhere else already, use the AR MAX software to restore your save image to your Daigasso! Band Brothers card.

Like I said, I've got several ideas for improvement here, not the least of which is a bit of a UI reworking. But why wait, eh? Smile

Here are a few links I found that have .bbs-format songs that you can use with this software: (look for the forum posts with paperclips on them -- these are attachments and usually BBME songs) (the BBS links are BBME songs) (the BBME links)

Of course.. you're going to be clicking blindly on most of these unless you know Japanese. It would be cool if we could catalog some of these songs somehow, and share URLs for some of the better songs.

Also, if you'd like to share your .bbs songs but have no way to do so, I would be happy to host those tiny little files. Just not the MP3s that go with them. Get in touch.

Creo que se van a empezar a vender AR ^^
en nada se supone q m tiene q llegar el daigasso y voy a tener q comprar un AR :D
Buenísima noticia, ahora que acabo de pillarme el juego ^^
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