Deferred rendering in Killzone 2
Michal Valient, Guerrilla-Games
Next generation gaming brought high resolutions, very complex environments and large textures to our living rooms. With virtually every asset being inflated, it's hard to use traditional forward rendering and hope for rich, dynamic environments with extensive dynamic lighting. Deferred rendering, on the other hand, has been traditionally described as a nice technique for rendering of scenes with many dynamic lights, that unfortunately suffers from fill-rate problems and lack of anti-aliasing and very few games that use it were published.
In this talk, we will discuss our approach to face this challenge and how we designed a deferred rendering engine that uses multi-sampled anti-aliasing (MSAA). We will give in-depth description of each individual stage of our real-time rendering pipeline and the main ingredients of our lighting, post-processing and data management. We'll show how we utilize PS3's SPUs for fast rendering of a large set of primitives, parallel processing of geometry and computation of indirect lighting. We will also describe our optimizations of the lighting and our parallel split (cascaded) shadow map algorithm for faster and stable MSAA output.
La présentation sera donc assez pointue et traitera des méthodes utilisées pour l'éclairage des scènes, l'utilisation des différents processeurs de la PS3 et l'abilité de leur moteur à diposer d'un Anti-Aliasing efficace, contrairement aux quelques autres titres qui utilisent cette technique de rendu.
La démonstration devrait se dérouler le 25 Juillet de 15h à 16h.
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