Gracias por la respuesta.
El código es:
// A simple demo of using the Guitar Hero Grip with PAlib
// by BassAceGold
// Includes
#include <PA9.h> // Include for PA_Lib
// Function: main()
int main(int argc, char ** argv)
PA_Init(); // Initializes PA_Lib
PA_InitVBL(); // Initializes a standard VBL
PA_OutputSimpleText(1, 0, 0, "GH Button Test");
PA_OutputSimpleText(1, 0, 1, "by BassAceGold");
PA_OutputSimpleText(1, 0, 3, "For each key, we'll show\n Newpress, Held, and Released");
PA_InitGHPad(); // Call this first before using other GH controller functions
// Infinite loop to keep the program running
while (1)
PA_OutputText(1, 3, 7, "Green : %d-%d-%d", GHPad.Newpress.Green, GHPad.Held.Green, GHPad.Released.Green);
PA_OutputText(1, 3, 8, "Red : %d-%d-%d", GHPad.Newpress.Red, GHPad.Held.Red, GHPad.Released.Red);
PA_OutputText(1, 3, 9, "Yellow : %d-%d-%d", GHPad.Newpress.Yellow, GHPad.Held.Yellow, GHPad.Released.Yellow);
PA_OutputText(1, 3, 10, "Blue : %d-%d-%d", GHPad.Newpress.Blue, GHPad.Held.Blue, GHPad.Released.Blue);
if(GHPad.Held.Anykey) PA_OutputText(1, 3, 15, "anykeyworks");
else PA_OutputText(1, 3, 15, "No key pressed");
if(PA_DetectGHPad()) PA_OutputText(1, 3, 17, "Grip is inserted");
else PA_OutputText(1, 3, 17, "No grip inserted");
PA_WaitForVBL(); // PA_WaitForVBL automatically updates GHPad values
return 0;
} // End of main()
Es el código que vienen en los ejemplos de Palib.
La página que enviaste con documentación la había visto, gracias.
¿Alguien ha usado los elementos para utilizar guitar grip?