Hackear televisores Samsung E-series

Alucinante, según la wifi de samygo tal vez se pueda hackear nuestros televisores samsung para añadirles caraterísticas de gamas superiores (por ejemplo el 3D y la tasa de refresco):

http://wiki.samygo.tv/index.php5/The_Sa ... odel_Codes

In some lucky cases where the hardware contained in the TV are identical (or at least almost) to another TV set with a higher Model Number, you may be able to change the Model Number in the advanced engineering menu (aka Service Menu) with your remote control, to activate certain features not available for your model. For example, for activating PVR, 3D, Wifi, CMR frequency and other country specific software or applications, etc. However, doing this is not recommended unless you know exactly what you are doing, since this would drastically increase the risk of permanently bricking your TV set.

So for example, in the ES5700 model we mentioned above, we know that the internal Panel Code is the same as for the ES6300. Thus, at least in theory, we should be able to update this model. If this is successful, we may expect to have the following improvements:

What ES5700 --> ES6300
CMR 100Hz 200Hz
Full HD 3D no yes
Micro Dimming no unknown *
WLAN no yes **
* Catalogues give contradictory information, may only work on models with CMR=400Hz
** If WLAN module is installed by ordering spare-part. The ES5700 FW is already looking for WLAN!

Of course, in order to do this you need to:

Change the Model Number and Panel Code in the Engineering Menu
Probably update the firmware to that model

This is work in progress... (more to come)
Sin tener mucha idea dudo que se pueda " desbloquear " el 3D, supongo que llevaran un panel diferente a las teles normales
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