Halo 2, scans del especial Edge

Scans de I will be the BEST! y espacio web de Draikin.

La dirección es http://www.teamurc.com/Halo/ si suben nuevos scans, linkarlos sin que se muestre la imagen, no le vayais a devorar el ancho de banda.

al puesto una coma al final del enlace al espacio web ;)

los scans molan...

jur, los warthog se salen [oki]
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Eso si que es una revista....
Yo ya me he subscrito. El primer numero que recibiré, creo que es este. ¡¡¡que ilusion!!!!.
Por cierto, si te subscribes un año (13 numeros), salen a 700 pelas o asi, tendria que mirarlo, pero mas o menos. Y no las 1500 pelas por numero que te clavan si vas a un quiosko.

Que guapo el nuevo Warhog y el Buggy Bike, se salen [oki]

Por cierto, esos scans ha tenido que se chingados de la editorial del Edge, Future Publishing, por que el numero de Octubre sale el dia 17 de Septiembre [Alaa!].

Joder, y acabo yo de recibir el numero de septiembre..... mierda de transportes y editoriales [lapota]
Y gastos de envio y todo eso? como es el tinglao? explica un poco mas porfi :)

Sobre los cans, la cantidad de poligonos y de texturas metidas en esos warthogs es bestial, imaginaros los escenarios............. [360º]
Traduzco un trozo interesante....

"......interactuando con su entorno de formas mucho mas sofisticadas......
"...... En Halo2 la geometria no es replicada, el caparazon de los niveles es construido y rellenado con objetos detallados, para hacer cada espacio UNICO e INTERESANTE. Es un proceso que requiere una re-estructuracion del motor grafico."

Entonces....¡¡YA SERA PERFECTO!!!!

Play More.
Podeis explicar un poco lo de la suscripcion a The Edge pf?

Gracias y un saludo
Escrito originalmente por Funk
Podeis explicar un poco lo de la suscripcion a The Edge pf?

Gracias y un saludo

Funk, yo no estoy suscrito me la trae mi kioskero particular, el calvo lo llamo yo :D. Lo que puedes hacer es llegarte a un kiosko importante de esos que traen cantidad de revistas y le preguntas si puede traerte la revista Edge todos los meses. Tienen que tener una lista con las revistas que su distribuidor les manda, tanto españolas como extrangeras. Seguro que la tiene, y si es asi dile si te la puede traer.

A ver si hay suerte.

Por si acaso te mando un scan de la pagina de suscripcion que viene cada mes en Edge. Espero que te sirva de ayuda.

Por lo que pone en el scan que ha puesto epidemia, el coste de la subscripcion es de 59 libras = 94 €.

Si no me fallan las cuentas, el número sale a 7,20 euros es decir, a 1200 ptas. la pieza... ¿chrisredfield, como es posible que te salga más barato?

Joer, ese precio que tu dices es el precio de la subscripción viviendo en UK, incluso 60 pelas más barato.... no entiendo nada :O


59.00 GBP United Kingdom Pounds = 94.20 EUR

Con lo cual eso por 166.386 es = a 15674 pesetas q dividiidas por 13 revistas al año dan.... a 1205 pelas cada ejemplar

Una pena [agggtt]

A mi me sale por 8 euros la revista (1300 ptas). Creo que no conviene suscribirse a no ser que te la traigan mas rapido que a mi (unos 20 dias de retraso respecto a la fecha de salida original).

Por cierto, en la contraportada del numero 114 (esos scans del halo2 son del numero 115 ke sale en dia 17 de septiembre) se puede ver claramente de que ira el siguiente numero....


... queda claro no? XD
qeu reportaje sera mejor, este de halo 2, o el de la hobby, ( qeu según el numero de este mes parece qeu hablaran en el siguiente numero de halo 2). Pobres tios de la edge , podran soportar una comparación directa con esos dioses de la impracialidad qeu son los redactores de la hobby.

It's going to be great when people get to play Halo 2 and then go backthrough Halo with new eyes and see all the hidden clues and connections they never noticed before.

La revista no es robada, Edge lanzó sus números pero MS les pidió que por favor esperasen un poco más, por lo que cancelaron los envíos. Unas cuantas unidades han llegado a los subscriptores.
jejejeje, pues vaya putadita, si querian guardar la sorpresita. Y digo yo , que coño nos traera la hobby de este mes,???? Porque la silueta era de halo claramente. Traeran fotos escaneadas directamente de la edge????????
No se de donde habreis sacado ese Scan. Bueno, supongo que de la revista.
Donde yo me he subscrito, (en su web), solo cuesta 62 Eur.

62 Eur * 166.386 = 10.315 ptas / 13 numeros = 793 ptas por numero.

La prueba la teneis en http://www.edge-online.com
Pinchar en subscribe on-line.

Ademas, aseguran que llegan solo 7 dias despues de la salida oficial en UK.
Pero eso no me lo creere hasta que me pase. Ya os contare.
Chris, aparte de lo siento, te has equivocado pq son 62 sterling pounds, no €..
Siento mucho tener que darte la razon.
Todavia no me lo han cargado en la tarjeta, pero creo que no
voy a anular la subscripcion.
Ya me parecia a mi que fuera tan barato.
Alguien puede postear otros links para ver los scans de Edge, por que en todos los foros que he visitado (un egg de ellos) misteriosamente todos los links han dejado de funcionar. En xboxgamers.com incluso sale en portada que tienen los scans pero luego nada de nada....
Por si sirve de algo os pongo el articulo que ha escrito alguien basado en cierta informacion que leyo....sic...


Even before Halo was released rumours of a sequel were zipping around the Internet, but for nearly a year Bungie has remained tight lipped. Until now. Prepare yourself for revelations on the most anticipated videogame of all time.

Think more weapons, think more vehicles, think more environments, think more alien types, think better AI. Think in these terms and Halo 2 will not let you down. But Bungie's take on the firstperson shooter was never about delivering more of the same. Still, there's the sense that some people just didn't get was Halo was about. Enjoyable, yes - but revolutionary? To understand why the changes going into Halo 2 will comprehensively improve the experience it's important to underline what made Halo so special. And here's a clue for the Philistines that occasionally harangue Edge: it was never about including stupidly elaborate weapons.

"I think one of the reasons why Halo appealed to people is because it ignored a lot of the structure that has become entrenched in the genre," says Jaime Griesemer, lead designer on Halo 2. "I think people appreciated the purity of the experience - only having two weapons, regenerating health, grenades and then melee attacks that were always available."

It's almost a flippant remark and one easy to gloss over, but it's the crux of what made Halo's combat awe-inspiring. Weapons were supremely balanced, but more than that, they worked in conjunction with one another better than in any game before. In fact, it's difficult to think of another game that encourages you to constantly swap between ordnance to improve your chances of survival. Plasma Pistol and Needler Gun against Elites, Assault Rifle and Pistol against the Flood, Sniper Rifle and Rocket Launcher in the expansive outdoor arenas. Depending on the context, weapon choice was crucial for success and the introduction of rechargeable shields, both your own and Covenant, made the two-weapon-only choice even more agonising.

Imagine the difficulty, then, of introducing a new weapon or vehicle into such a finely honed system. To reiterate the point: Bungie cannot just add a more pwerful superweapon to the mix like you'd see in any other FPS sequel. If they took the lazy route the essence of what made Halo so consuming an experience would be lost. "The main objective with Halo 2 is to preserve the balance that made Halo fun in the first place," confirms Griesemer. "We feel that we nailed the combat experience, and while we want to extend it, we don't want to destroy it by dumping in as many extras as possible." Yes, there will be more of everything, but the extras have not just been included to make impressive bullet points for the back of the box.


In the Halo 2 story, the player eventually moves deep into Covenant home territory and Bungie is to communicate the transition with suitably eerie alien constructions. Replay incentives will also be introduced to entice players through the game again. Not that many will need them.

Unquestionably, one of the aspects that made Halo such a monumental title was its sense of a working universe. If you thought Halo had an epic feel, then be prepared for something on a much larger scale altogether for its sequel. "there were lots of things in Halo that were part of a much larger universe," continues Griesemer. "Nothing was random, everything from the patterns on the Elite armour to the names of the Covenant warships and the structure of Halo itself are part of a context that was not fully explained, but will be further explored in Halo 2. We were thinking about Halo 2 throughout Halo's development. It's going to be great when people get to play Halo 2 and then go back through Halo with new eyes and see all the hidden clues and connections they never noticed before."

Bungie is surprisingly open about the new storyline for Halo 2. It continues the story of Master Chief and Cortana, the powerful AI that reside inside his armour. After thwarting the Covenant and overseeing the destruction of Halo, Master Chief returns home. But it's an embattled home. At the beginning of Halo 2 the Covenant have wiped out the last of the human colony worlds and are threatening Earth itself. Cortana and the Master Chief must defend humanity's last stronghold and then take the fight back to the Covenant, attacking the source of their power deep inside the Covenant world.


The further the player ventures into Covenant territory, the more he learns about its culture and motivations. "The Covenant is named for the pact binding its two primary races, the Elites and the Prophets." outlines Griesemer. "The Elites form the backbone of the Covenant military and the Prophets are the Covenant's political and spiritual leadership. Much of the game will focus on the relationship between these two races and on the hidden motives for their attacks against humanity."

The prophets in particular, will be an interesting addition to the Halo bestiary, promising unique attacks and a greater influence over the other Covenant forces. And just as the flood delivered a shock to the system in Halo, Bungie is to introduce at least one completely new alien race to provide those three-way battles that epitomised the excellence of the first game.

Introducing new weapons into the Halo universe is something that has given Bungie a few headaches. The balance of the original must be maintained but the team were keen to provide even more dramatic combat and a few surprises.

A new sniperscope gun (a combination between the sniper rifle and the assault rifle) makes the cut and there will be a powerful automatic weapon that can fire caseless ammo. Also, you can probably expect new Covenant ordnance, though what the Brutes are to use remains anyone's guess. (Again all shots are in-game models)

Tentatively labelled Brutes, this new breed of foe is likely to offer another layer of depth and variety to the experience.

Bungie is keenly aware that expectations are high for its sequel, hence the philosophy of concentrating on depth rather than simple expansion. "The main objective we want to achieve with Halo 2 is to take the unique combat experience and put it in a more interesting context," adds Griesemer. "Most of the combat in Halo was driven by story elements - simple 'get from point A to point B' objectives. We want to provide more interesting situations and goals in Halo 2. So we're focusing a lot of attention on our mission and environment design, taking what we learned from Halo and using that to make Halo 2 as varied and deep as possible."

In real terms this means that there will be much less replication in the environments, the one element that received criticism in the original. Climates will vary, there will be more exterior locations with vegetation and every location will have a "function and a context." Although Bungie would neither confirm nor deny that complex cities are to make it to the sequel, the fact that the scenarios are to be more "organic" with aliens and marines interacting with their environments in more sophisticated ways, hints that the developer is going in this direction. For Halo 2 the geometry isn't replicated, the level shells are built and then filled with detailed objects to make each space unique and interesting. It's a process that required a complete re-engineering of the game engine.

To bolster the sense that the Halo 2 world is operating independently, there will be an overhaul of the AI(something that was hardly shoddy the first time around). "At GDC this year we did a talk on Halo's AI," reveals Griesemer. "This means that we had to come up with a whole new batch of secrets for Halo 2."

"In Halo the AI concentrated almost exclusively on shooting enemies and not being shot. In Halo 2 we are going to extend the AI's ability to manipulate its world and move through the environment in intelligent ways. We're also improving the AI's ability to make plans and react to enemy tactics on a larger scope, so entire installaions will respond to the player's attack instead of just the enemies in the room with him. In Halo 2 AI entities will be able to adapt to their environment."

But expansion junkies should not be disappointed. Yes, the game will be 'deeper', but there's a list of expansions to assuage those more impressed by box stats. Along with those extra outdoor environments will be a new sniper weapon, a sub-machine gun that fires caseless ammo, three new marine ATVs suited to different terrain and the Shadow, a new Covenant vehicle capable of carrying up to four Elites. And these are just the new elements Bungie is willing to divulge at this stage.

Halo was criticised for its repetitive geometry, but sketches suggest that more detail is going into the environment design for the sequel. The team claims the locales will be a lot closer to the concept art this time.

Because it is viewed in-game so close to the screen, the scope of the Battle Rifle contains more polys than the Master Chief model. Getting the weapons right is of primary concern.


The announcement of Xbox Live(see p6) raises questions about the game's multiplayer features. Halo remains a firm Edge lunchtime multiplayer favourite, but while it's unlikely that bots are going to make it to the sequel, there are compensations. "The main focus of our multiplayer efforts on Halo 2 is the squad-oriented, two-team online game. [section missing] supplied by other humans." Griesemer wants players to feel like they are sitting on the couch next to each other though they could be in another state. To achieve this the cooperative element will be the focus, and you can also expect the Voice Communicator device to play a large part in generating this sense of close collaboration.

One year and counting. Yes, if Bungie hits its targets then this time next year we'll be very aware of how successful the developer has been at layering even more depth into the experience. The fact that the focus is firmly on making the AI more reactive and improving environment complexity is a positive sign that Halo 2 could be just as monumental as its predecessor. The wait is going to be agonising, but it's testament to the quality of Halo that it's the only FPS that can keep us going until winter 2003."

Volviendo a lo de los scans alguien podria postear un link que funcione???? gracias

En este link http://chicagoxbox.com/ mirar en new halo stuff y teneis 7 SCANS DE LA REVISTA, portada incluida, weno mejor pongo los links XD:


[fumando] UFFFFFFFF!!!!!! Lo que me ha costado encontrarlos.... ahora un par de birritas. La nueva raza los Brutes parecen sacados del planeta de los simios (scan page1). En el ultimo scan donde salen los vehiculos de nieve, jungla, etc , no me ha parecido que hayan mejorado mucho el warthog, igual era una imagen de archivo de vehiculos que tenian pensado en sacar en Halo. Coño yo sigo esperando encontrarme con los diplodocus que salian rumiando por halo en los primeros videos... le daban vida al anillo... a ver en HALO2.!!!!
Joder aunqeu son todos fotos de artworks. Yo quieo fotos del juego, de poligonos frescos...... Eso si, lo qeu se puede leer sobre halo2... espero qeu no la caguen o les pille el toro con todo lo qeu quieren hacer . Joder porque si les sale bien la rehostia, pero como no cumplan con las espectativas creadas la hostia puede ser enorme. Pero de todas formas, la forma qeu tienen de trabajar los chicos de bungie parece seria, parecen gente ilusionada con su trabajo ( bueno y con los $$ que van a ganar si les sale su segunda joia en dos intentos).
26 respuestas