Halo...primer juego ripeado!! FAKE??

Aqui teneis informacion sacada de una web, es muy posible que sea un FAKE, ya que todos en el foro dicen que nada fue hablado en el IRC o isonews.
Well, it didn’t take long to crack!

Since the release of the X-Box in the USA, it has been cracked already. This information is supplied by Ripper, one of the great sources of information :)

“First X-BOX GAME Halo *CRACKED* (c) Bungie USA - NTSC DVDs / Rars : 1 DVD / 64 RARS DVD Length : [x] 4GB [ ] 9GB“

My thoughts are with Microsoft on this day, as I dare say that they are standing round scratching their heads wondering W.T.F. happened to their protection systems.

Admittadly, you do need to have a DVD-R, but these can be bought for as little as £480 in the UK.

Get ripping people :)

si quereis el link de la web http://www.backburner.f2s.com/html/x-box.html

Si es un facke....pos que se le va a hacer
SI NO LO ES.....


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