Halo2. Bungie Weekly Update!!!

bueno abro este hilo para deciros ke el halo2 se ha filtrado, por si no lo sabiais XD, bueno ahora enserio, espero ke estas updates tengan info mas fresca ya ke son las ultimas.

You ever have one of those weeks? You know, the kind of week where you try to start your car, and it explodes in your face because the mob wired it to blow up and hurl your broken body across the street and through the plate glass window of the local acid factory? Well that was kinda like my week this week, but with the following metaphorical caveat aO" my broken, glass filled, acid-ruined body became a perfect fertile bed for a glorious, colorful display of flowers.

What is Frankie going on about this time? The horrible leak of the French PAL build of the game, and the impressive, wonderful, heartening reaction from our fans aO" who have been closing forum threads, slapping posters on the wrists and even reporting folks who broke the law. Community sites are all over it, and the big sites have been helping too, so a HUGE thanks to all of you guys.

Whoever did this is a criminal, plain and simple, but this isn't a pulpit from which to spew a sermon. Suffice it to say that stealing a traceable, Live Aware video game isn't the smartest thing you could do. But the way our community rallied to our support yesterday and the day before was incredibly gratifying. And a note to otherwise regular folks who might be tempted to download a copy aO" don't. It's really not worth the risk. Fines of up to $100,000 and all sorts of other legal remedies can be assessed against even individual downloaders.

You know, we're not Metallica. The cost of this is emotional, not fiscal (jerks would just hack and pirate the game on Nov 9th anyway). Bungie is mostly concerned that this event is going to ruin the plot of the game for the 99.9999999999% of fans who buy the game on November 9th. As you know, we've spent three tortuous years preventing story leaks, hoarding screenshots aO" not because we want to aO" but because they'll reveal twists and surprises. Now a few jerks have ruined that for everyone. It's one thing to sneakily pirate software aO" quite another to yell spoilers from the rooftops. As Napoleon Dynamite would say, "IDIOTS!"

Anyway, I'm making myself vomit with my combination of preachy outrage and quilted two-ply, absorbent love. Back to the matter at hand aO" the Bungie locomotive. Let's call it more of a monorail right now, since about 80% of the office is in Hawaii (if they're smart) or in Rainhole, Alaska (if they're married).

This week was another out of the office week. I accompanied ten copies of Halo 2 to San Francisco so that they could be reviewed over a period of nearly a week by gathered luminaries from various gaming, entertainment and technology publications from all over the US.

Everyone who played seemed to have a good time. Everyone had LOTS of questions about plot twists, new characters etc. I had to help out once or twice when people got stuck, but mostly it was eerily quiet, as the journos sat around in our special E3 chairs, with wireless surround headphones on, in front of 30 inch widescreen sets (CRT for maximum awesomeness and maximum Teamster complaints aO" since they weigh 200 pounds.) Actually, widescreen is a very cool feature, since the multiplayer game can then split vertically (for two) giving each player a great deal of real estate in co-op or MP.

The event was long enough for people to finish the game on NORMAL difficulty level, but then go back and try HEROIC: "Wow, that was freakin' hard!" And then they tried LEGENDARY: "What is wrong with you people!?" We should note that nobody completed it on LEGENDARY or frankly, more than a couple of levels. LEGENDARY is a whole new sick twist on game difficulty. LEGENDARY includes bizarre stuff like perma-death for co-op players aO" meaning that you can't hopscotch like you can on other difficulty levels. Once a player dies on LEGENDARY, both players are hurled back to the last checkpoint. It's brutal. Also, that place where you encountered two grunts and a flowerpot on NORMAL? Well now they're Hunters, high-ranking, sword-carrying Elites, and they're all PMS-ing. Seriously, sticking your head around a corner on level two can get it shot clean off.

Multiplayer was a blast. Like we'd hoped, players spent a long time exploring new modes, and enjoying them. As suspected, Swords is a huge favorite, but we (I was only HELPING!) played a lot of Assault, Territories and Juggernaut. Folks love NinjaNaut aO" Juggernaut where the Jug is invisible, has triple overshields and is the only player with a motion detector aO" you don't event WANT to find him!

Nobody would tell us what they thought, so I guess we'll find out in a couple of weeks.

Special props to Mister X aO" who, having only 24 hours to visit, played the game as a speed run, and pulled in the fastest completion time aO" though he missed about half the game doing that, and Mister Z aO" who, being hardcore as all getout, completed it on Heroic aO" and in a pretty respectable time. Epic, considering that was his first time playing.

Anyhoo, this week was short (game is done folks) and a downer, sorry, so here's a sad picture to make you feel even worseaO

A ver cuando lo traducen :P
Pues lo poco que este traductor hizo es más o menos en resumen,
que estan muy agradecidos por el apoyo que han tenido en torno al robo del juego,agradecen mucho a los foros,webs y a todos,que para ellos el daño no es economico si no moral sobre todos para el 99.99% que lo esperan para el 9 de Nov.,ya que no quieren saber nada del modo historia ni ver video ni fotos que se pudieran mostrar del juego robado,y que es ahi en donde los foros de todo el mundo han ayudado cerrando todo lo que tenga que ver con el modo historia.
Tambien habla de que este tío se llevo unas cuantas copias del juego completo a SanFrancisco por una semana,para su testeo,el juego se lo terminaron en modo normal ,y hubo un loco seguidor de Halo que se lo terminó en Heroico pero en modo Legendario no hubo nadie [666] absolutamente nadie ..... [qmparto]

En modo multijugador subrayan mucho el tamaño de pantalla Widscreen,ya que a la hora de jugar a pantalla partida es mucho mejor,tambien resalta los modos de juego que tiene este multiplayer,tambien que el arma favorita de los jugones es la espada [amor] ......
Bueno ese es por encima mi resumen,a lo mejor salga el experto y nos haga la traduccion del texto como Dios manda....
Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!! Halo 2 tiene soporte 16:9!!!! XD

Gracias señor... [buuuaaaa]
keox escribió:And then they tried LEGENDARY: "What is wrong with you people!?" We should note that nobody completed it on LEGENDARY or frankly, more than a couple of levels. LEGENDARY is a whole new sick twist on game difficulty. LEGENDARY includes bizarre stuff like perma-death for co-op players aO" meaning that you can't hopscotch like you can on other difficulty levels. Once a player dies on LEGENDARY, both players are hurled back to the last checkpoint. It's brutal. Also, that place where you encountered two grunts and a flowerpot on NORMAL? Well now they're Hunters, high-ranking, sword-carrying Elites, and they're all PMS-ing. Seriously, sticking your head around a corner on level two can get it shot clean off.

[oki] [babas]

Dice más o menos que el modo legendario va a ser muy, muy cafre, que en cooperativo basta con que maten a uno de los dos jugadores para que ambos vuelvan al checkpoint anterior (no como en el resto de los modos, en los que simplemente reaparece).

Por lo demás, prometen muchas sorpresas y giros en el guión, nuevos personajes y otras muchas cosas que justifican el celo con el que han ido guardando los detalles del modo historia.

habeis hechado un ojo a http://www.halo2.com los ke no lo hallan hexo ya estan tardando
Cojonudo el website nuevo XD

Anoche estuve un buen rato mirando todas las secciones (los dibujitos, claro). Me quedé flipado con el nuevo look de Cortana. XD
Lo siento, y creo q esto no va contra las mormas ni nada pq no stoy contando nada del juego ni diciendo ni siquiera que lo tenga, pero casi seguro que no tendrá soporte 16:9, ni cooperativo por interconexion. de confirmarse seria una pena

Pues como este de las copias a San Francisco sea el culpable al "SUICIDA ESTE SE LO CARGAN".No me gustaria estar en su piel y la que le puede caer encima.
Me alegro que las aguas empiezen a calmarse, a ver si todos recuperamos el norte y principalmente microsoft tambien, que ha saltado a la yugular de casi todos los foros y las webs.

Saludos !!!!!!!!!!
cucus escribió:Lo siento, y creo q esto no va contra las mormas ni nada pq no stoy contando nada del juego ni diciendo ni siquiera que lo tenga, pero casi seguro que no tendrá soporte 16:9, ni cooperativo por interconexion. de confirmarse seria una pena


Me voy a callar... :-|

Dice que estuvieron enseñandole el juego a la prensa en televisores panorámicos de 30 pulgadas. Tambien dice que el soporte 16:9 es una opción muy "guay", ya que el cooperativo o el multiplayer de 2 jugadores se puede hacer a pantalla partida vertical.

Ke web mas rayante, solo me salen los wallpapers y una especie de imagen como diciendo Error :/

La web la verdad mola pero tambien ralla un poco xd
Aparte de que el juego si soporta wide screen (que lo ha dicho el tito frankie) para que cuando se parta la pantalla en dos se vea de putisima madre, han subido la dificultad. YUJUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU

ahora cuando te matan en modo multijugador, no puedes resucitar, solo resucitas cuando maten a tu compañero y resucitareis en el ultimo checkpoint, además habrá gente más cabrona esperándote esta vez YUJUUUUUUUU por 2

Luego ya frankie agradece que hayan cerrado los sitios de distribucion no por haberles quitado el juego y que la gente lo tenga, simplemente para aquellos que vayan a esperar que no le pisen la historia por que según el el daño es moral no económico, al fin y al cabo crackearian el juego y lo distribuirian el mismo dia que saldria a la venta, asi que más que nada lo que le jode es que se filtre la historia, por que en 3 años no se ha filtrado nada de nada.

Mi opinion personal.

Está bien pensado la logica de frankie que le jode que la historia se filtre, ya que lo mismo le da que el juego se distribuyese de maneras fladulentas antes o despues, pero la historia es sagrada.

De todos modos, la que se ha filtrado es la versión francesa pal, asi que el espectro de búsqueda se reduce (sucios franceses, son como los moros pero afeminados XD )

la verdad es que es una putada lo de la filtración del juego, lo pienso sobre todos los juegos, pero más me jode aún que me puedan joder la historia y eso si que no se lo perdono a nadie.

Pos cuidao peña por irc ,ke hay muxo ijo de puta suelto :(

PAYOMALO escribió:

[ayay] [+risas] [+risas] [+risas] [+risas]
(sucios franceses, son como los moros pero afeminados )

Puto asco de comentario que has hecho!!!!

Por eso si q deberian cerrar el hilo y no por hablar de un juego....
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