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keox escribió:esa demo multiplayer CTF cuando empieze a rular mucho por hay seguro ke alguien la filtrabueno,,, por lo menos eso espero, eske hasta el 9 de noviembre yo no puedo esperar
keox escribió:, por otra parte en una Weekly Update(de esas ke traduce tan bien payomalo
There are a couple of gameplay changes from Halo 1 (all of which are still being tuned), and more than a handful of brand-new spanking features:
* You now have to hold X to get into a vehicle or pick up the flag. However, you can still quickly drop a flag by tapping either trigger.
* Grenades bounce more, and in different ways than before. Prepare to relearn all your tossing skills.
* You CAN dual wield a Sub Machine Gun with an Alien Plasma Rifle, but your aim goes to hell and back for both.
* No flashlight was present in the multiplayer demo.
* The Sub Machine Gun is powerful, and twice as much so in dual mode.
* Press and hold Y to pick up a second one-handed gun for dual mode.
* You can zoom-in with binoculars while using the SMG, but shooting instantly resets your view to normal.
* Vehicle impacts are now physics based. If you’re bumped by a slow-moving vehicle you don’t die on the spot, but you do take some damage. Using a ghost+boost = “splatter” mode.
* Death messages reflect new abilities and skills, i.e. “Zondaro Splattered Teddman.”
* Turrets and the bunker walls surrounding them are destroyable by a well-placed missile or two.
* Vehicles are rather sturdy despite now being damageable.
* The Ghost controls better, has new turning physics and animations, shoots faster, and sports new special effects under the craft.
* If you fire the Battle Rifle when not zoomed-in, it shoots three round bursts. Robocop style. This makes it very powerful, assuming you can get all three shots to hit.
* The tattoos that players can put on their armor also appear as icons that hover above their heads. These are only visible to teammates. When a player also has the flag, a flag icon appears next to their tattoo icon.
* A warning! icon appears under the crosshairs when the flag is not where it should be.
* When you are close to the flag, indicators appear on the side of the screen to point to it.
* The warthog appears to be a bit harder to flip now.
* You can now see your legs, and covies can also see the standard Elite landing animation from a first person view.
* You jump a bit higher, and in many ways the air game still feels as floaty as in the first game.
Ala, otra mini entrevista del link de keoxOh, and btw : was there any word on 'Black' ? [PS2]
Did you manage to get a sneek peek ?
- Shatz
I didn't even hear about Black until the end of the show. If the same
people who hyped Killzone are again speaking of another game... you
should be afraid. They seem to be blind.
Like, what the hell is the point of Killzone?
- FancieBombJack
What I saw of Killzone on the floor looked like SOCOM II with slightly
sharper graphics, and less fogging. What caused me to laugh was
the horrific animation of your foes, and the way a deathmatch game
had everyone's name floating in big letters above their head. Defeats
the purpose of a sniper rifle I guess. I also loved checking out the
polygon seems everywhere. I thought we were past 1996.
Was there any sniper rifle play? It sounds like they've added new elements of long-distance sniping like the assault rifle having temp zoom (Which I think is completely useless). Did you notice if the sniper rifle play was toned down from last game? It was kinda overpowered last game, how one head shot = death and a few pistol shots meant death also.
- Vagabond
There is a sniper rifle on the map. Located on a platform that looks directly into the
left side of the defending base (where the door swings open if you hit the switch). I was able to pick up the rifle and fire all of three shots before being mowed down by Teddman and his dual SMGs. You guys better watch out for him this fall... he's deadly with those things. I was unable to notice any changes in the sniper rifle in my time with it. However, someone else used it to great effect to pick me off a turret at one point.
Also, in the OXM preview, they made no mention of the AWESOME hunters. I knew you only played a multiplayer game but did you hear any mention of hunters or see any artwork relative to hunters?
- Vagabond
Nothing from single player was showed or discussed.
Nice clarification, Taco. I don't think it was possible to have two needlers?
- Teddman
I believe it is possible... you would have to first drop your SMG gun for a single needler, and then find another needler to dual mode pick up. I didn't see anyone do this in the time we played though. Three minuet rounds go so fast... it's how neither Tedd or I ever got to hold the energy sword.
Excellent post - a few questions that you might be able to shed some light on:
- How was the front end set-up screen before you jumped into the game? You can kinda see it in one of your pics - any idea of MP game options? I'm not convinced about the whole boarding thing - might be a nice option to be able to turn it off, same perhaps for vehicle damage....any insights?
- How did melee atack work for you? Pretty similar to the original?
- You nemtioned being able to zoom with binoculars when holding the SMG. Just a thumb click? How much of a zoom was there?
- uffishthought
Yes, I saw the front end screen. It wasn't finished. I saw no options, only the ten player names and info on the map we were able to play. I could draw you a picture, but it really wasn't that exciting.
Melee attacks worked the same. However, all kills are now listed with text that lets you know how someone died ie, "Zondaro Splattered Teddman." Would mean that I killed him by running him over. I saw a new message for melee kills, but in the heat of the moment I've forgotten it. I only melee killed one person.
Just a thumb click. I would guess that it was 2X zoom. It looks like you're looking through binocs for sure though, so you don't get as wide a field of view as you do with the battle rifle zoom.
Nice work tedd, and I was just wondering what your gamertag is so i could play
you online and when Halo 2 comes out. Also was there anything bad about the game anything at all?
Also what guns do u start with
- Varanos
At E3 we were starting with the Sub Machine Gun. Very powerful. I noticed that the battle rifle was lying end up standing against part of the beach wall. So perhaps weapons won't always be lying on the ground in a boring fashion in Halo2? There was a shotgun in the demo but it seemed to be in a spot that didn't get a lot of attention, I wasn't able to use it long enough to judge if any changes to its handling were made.
My gamertag is: Zondaro. However, my connection sucks at the moment so I don't play a lot online.
I am also interested in melee. Earlier, bungie mentioned melee combos, barehanded/gun combos and blocking. Did you experience or bear witness to any of this?
- Vagabond
No. I tried to melee combo when I was running around and was unable too. I'm guessing combos only come when you're hitting someone. The only time I landed a hit on someone they were so close to death they immediatly slumped over. I believe it was one of the few melee kills during the time we played. In one of the videos you can see me melee hit a dead covie by the flag with the alien plasma rifle.
I also have a question for ya Ted, did you see any ability to snipe rockets out of the air or blow up grenades that were lying around? Nothing was said about it in either post, but it dosen't hurt to ask...
- Taco
Nope. Rockets came too fast and furious for any trick work. The rounds were simply too fast (and Sinbad's kids too viscious) for us to try any of this. This is the kind of stuff you'd have to try in a game with friends while just messing around.
Has there been any confirmation of being able to dual-wield the energy sword? Two swords would be badass, but I like the idea of a SMG in one hand, then get in close with the sword and carve 'em up.
- Violating your mother
There was only one energy sword on the map... and balance wise it was a good thing. I'm going to just guess that this won't be possible, either because most maps won't have two swords... or for balance issues.
I hope this answers some of your questions. I would have written more in my part of the impressions, but Tedd really is good at writing up kind of stuff. I'm more good at noticing little gameplay nuances: like did you notice the pillars in the flag room chipping away in the one video? Or the Ghost (piloted by a teammate) not killing me when it hit me at one point.