Hamlib será open-source ( y gratis ) a mediados de mes.

Pues, eso, que para los que usemos estas librerias graficas, ya no tendremos que aguantar la pantalla de inicio que te obligaban a enchufar. Aqui os pongo el texto completo, sacado de la lista de correo de ham:

'Hi all,

I decided that HAMlib will soon go open source. Here are a few details
about this:

--- Why does this happen? What does this mean?

Due to recent events that I do not want to disclose in detail, I feel
the time has come for HAMlib to be co-developed by the HAM community.
This does by NO MEANS indicate that I am abandoning HAMlib. Not at all.
I am not planning to do anything like that. This move will, to you,
that HAMlib will be *free software* (read below for license details) in
all versions, including the so-called "registered" version. In
it will mean that HAMlib, due to the expanded work force provided by
open source development, we will see more rapid, stable, and faster
releases with more features in the near future. For you, it's all the

--- When will this happen?

I will work on transferring a first version of HAM *including* HAMlib
into Sourceforge as early as middle of March 2003. Please watch
http://www.ngine.de for the latest on this, and please bear with me if
miss the deadline.

--- How will this work?

While I still need to scope the details, I will be (for now) the
exclusive maintainer of HAM/HAMlib releases, and change permissions
only be granted on a user-by-user basis. However, everyone will be able
to access the full HAMlib sources from Sourceforge. I will keep to
distribute the Windows and Linux "ready to install" versions on
http://www.ngine.de . HAMlib will be distributed under the terms of the
GNU Public License, which means that you are REQUIRED to make any code
changes you apply to the HAMlib sources available to the public,
in the form of a controlled checkin into the HAMlib CVS.
Please respect this license. We will be watching out for violations.

--- What about my registered HAMlib?

You will still be sent your registered HAMlib via Email, or you will be
notified of an alternative distribution channel (on SourceForge) where
you can get your HAMlib versions from. However, please note that you no
longer need to register additional licenses, as HAMlib w/o introscreen
will soon be free.

--- What kind of environment will be needed to build HAMlib?

A standard Linux/UNIX environment or a recent Cygwin install on
The rest is a matter of navigating multiple choice menus. Easy as


Let me know what you think, I hope this is good news for everyone,


Emanuel Schleussinger -- http://www.ngine.de
Es una gran noticia, a ver si hay alguna mejora

Para el proyecto BomberGUM! nos viene de perlas...

La versión de GBA es cada vez mas factible ;)

Y sobre las declaraciones... al parecer, el payo utilizó herramientas y librerias GPL, y el muy bruto cerró el codigo. Al parecer le han llamado la atención y se ha visto obligado a abrir el codigo...

Sea como sea los geeks estamos de enhorabuena :D
3 respuestas