Hay algun Programa que renombre los roms para poder pasarlo al xbox?

Hola, no saben si hay algun programa que renombre los roms sea de N64 o de GBA, etc.. para poder pasarlo al xbox?

Ya que como ejemplo muchos roms de GBA, los nombres son muy largos o tienen caracteres raros y cuando uno los pasa al Xbox, muchos se quedan sin pasar por culpa de los nombres.

Saludos ;)
Yo uso el Pre Xbox Copy Tool 0.3 ß (36 KB)


[b]Version 0.3 Beta[/b]

-A tool used to renamed files and directories using configurable intelligence.
-If used with default settings this will remove any differences between fat and fatx
-Very good for copying roms to xbox

-you will need VB6 runtime for this to work
-Microsoft Windows 95 or above this includes NT

-0.3 Beta
-Fixed a few more bugs (who knew it could be so many)
-Thanks to kopfschuss2000's idea to backup up files I've created a way
   restore original filenames if you don't like how the tool renamed your files. I thought
   a way to restore names would be better than backing up because backing up would waste
   lots of space. Read Information section for more info on restoring original filenames.
-error.txt written to selected directory if restore is selected and errors occur
-be looking for a new version with limited international language support thanks to an
  enhancemant request by kopfschuss2000.  Releasing soon.
-0.2 Beta
-Now developed in VB6 instead of .NET you only need VB6 runtime for it to work
-Changed tab order or some controls
-Fixed many bugs related to .NET to VB6 transfer
-Noticed a few bugs in old version that i fixed while converting to VB6 code
-0.1 Alpha
-First public release

-Select Drive that files exist on
-Select Path that files are located in
-Enter the maxium length  of filename
-Restore Original Filenames, will only be avaiable after you have done a mass rename
  operation on a directory and the program has created restore.ini in the selected
  directory.  If a directory that has rename.ini in it is selected then this option
  will be avaiable.  If selected clicking start will caused any files affected by a
  previous rename session go back to their original names.  When the process is done
  the file restore.ini will be deleted to prevent someone from trying to restore an
  already restored directory. A file called error.txt will be written to the selected
  directory if any errors are detected while renaming files back to original names.
-The following rules apply to, means
-No Files - The top options will effect no files
-All Files - The top options will effect every file and directory
-Files that are too long - The top options will effect only files that were longer
   than max filename
-change [] or {} to (), will replace every [ or { with ( and ] or } with )
-do not remove items in [] at end of file, items after 65 percent of filename length
  will not be removed if filename is longer than max i.e. characters like [J]
-do not remove items in {} at end of file, items after 65 percent of filename length
  will not be removed if filename is longer than max i.e. characters like {!}
-do not remove items in () at end of file, items after 65 percent of filename length
  will not be removed if filename is longer than max i.e. characters like (U)
-Do not remove lone number, will keep any numbers i.e. 2, (3)
-Change _ to space, will change all underscores to spaces
-Removes double _, will remove all places where underscore occurs twice in a row
-Remove doulble spaces, will remove all places where space occurs twice in a row
-Choose case, means
-InitCaps, Upper First Alpha of every word except numbers and extensions are lower
-InitCaps Lower items in (), Upper First Alpha of every word except end items in (),
   numbers, and extensions which are lower
-InitCaps Upper items in (), Upper First Alpha of every word, upper end item in (), lower
   numbers, and extensions which
-All Caps, Upper case every letter
-All Lowercase, Lower case every letter
-Remove funny characters from filename, will remove any characters you have defined
-If filename is to long..., this checkbox is independent of the fules apply drop down
  It will remove every single space befoe trying to cut any chars from filename
-Default Config: Button, Reset settings to default "XBOX" configuration"
-Funny Chars: Button,
-Ignore case when checking characters, this will upper incomming filename
   so that you only have to compare with capital letters.  If you accidently type in
   a range that is small letters it will convert it to big ones for you.
-Use Ascii value ranges, you can type in ascii value ranges such as 48-57; = 0-9
   and 123; = "{" if this is on or just type ABDC)!@ if this is off
-Include the following characters, you are makeing the good set of characters
   if a character from a filename is not found in this set it will be dropped
-Exclude the following characters, you are makeing the bad set of characters
   if a character from a filename is found in this set it will be dropped
-OK: Button, will accept current settings if characters are not correct or blank then
   restores previous settings and remove funny characters will be turned off
-Cancel: Button, Will restore the previous settings on this screen and then the remove
   funny characters will be turned off
-Start: Button, Start renameing files and directories recursively till there are
   no more left to rename

-The might have several bugs in it although I have really tested and it worked great
-I used this to rename all my roms before i coped them to my xbox
-It fixes filenames from breaking any fatx rules if you leave settings to default
-It also beautifies filenames a little

-Final Thoughts
-Try it out and let me know what you think
-report any bugs or comments to [email]aaron_bond@yahoo.com[/email]
-from AceHack @ Project BombRock
Grasias Justo lo que estaba buscando [looco]
Copia las roms a un -RW y copialas "full name" a la X.
o lo que yo he intentado: meter todo en un zip o rar y luego descomprimirlo en la xbox, pero por alguna razón me da error con estos nombres largos

para los roms, el GoodN64, GoodGBA, GoodSNES, entre otros, los renombra, pero tienen una opción para FATX, algo relacionado con el xbox, no lo he probado.
4 respuestas