HDLOADER lo tiene alguien?

alguien ha conseguido ya el hdloader?

funciona eso? lo venden ya? se puede conseguir del establo?
mira en la pag oficial lanzamiento dia 21.6... otra cosa es q lo tengan en el extrangero pro no veo mucho guiri por aqui XD
Sunday 13th June:

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Due to the confusion surrounding the shipment of HDLoader, we felt it would be a good idea to post this notice. Divineo UK received its HDLoader NTSC stock on Friday 11th of June and commenced shipping all pre-orders placed via Divineo US at this time. This means anybody that made a pre-order via Divineo US should receive their copy soon (we have had reports from people who have already received their copy).

To quote the newsflash at Divineo UK: "The NTSC version (for American consoles only) of HDLoader is finally available. Preorders are being shipped now, due the volume of preorders, packages will be shipped until next Wednesday, but all preorders are of course treated first."

Not much longer now, guys :)

Así que no creo que lo tenga mucha gente todavía, pero las reservas de la versión NTSC ya se han enviado, así que no deberían tardar mucho en llegar a sus compradores.

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