esta actualizando, le he puesto como habeis dicho el lector que si funciona la contoladora y se lo esta tragando
conseguido arranca en oficial 3.55
ahora lo meto en factory mode con el ps3key
y sigo las instrucciones
Remarry guide for 3.55 firmware
1. Have the console on a working 3.55 firmware
2. Put content of folder Remarry-3.55 into root of USB
3. Official firmware 3.30 , as drive init PUP , put it root of USB
Content of USB Mass Storage device should be thus be:
4. Put the service mode JIG/dongle/PSGrade into port 0 (closest to the reader) , or use FSM.pkg , and get into factory service mode.
5. Put the created USB Mass Storage device from step 3 into port 0 (closest to the reader) and run.
Drive Init Executing means it is starting the remarry process
Drive Init Failed with big pink letters 'NG' (No Good!) means the process failed. Most likely solved by fixing the communication issue with the drive.
6. After you run the initial remarry process, do not take it out of factory service mode.
7. Put a BD movie disc in and run it on the PS3. (This restores your DRL files!)
8. Then you can take it out of factory service mode.
9. Launch as normal.
hasta el paso 5 todo correcto arranca el drive init pero me sale no good
una pregunta , yo estoy tratando de poner el lector de una fat de 60 gb a una de 40 gb, por lo que son modelos de lector diferentes, en sitios he leido que se puede intercambiar lectores de otros modelos de consola y en otros sitios que no se puede.
sacarme de esa duda