He recibido un mail en japones ayuda

tenia un mensaje en japones en el hotmail pero no se como decodificarlo y menos como traducirlo.


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En el mozilla solo tienes que darle a ver/codificación de caracteres/japones (shift_JIS) para ver los kanas y kanjis. Despues te buscas un traductor online japo-ingles y te puede salir un batiburrillo como este [tomaaa]

the mail from recently and なた - although it receives, whom is it? the start -- troublesome mail or something -- と -- since it considered and - KI was not so strange contents -- taking - it did not obtain, but answered a letter and saw. is recognition in my address? connect -- れば -- it is happy.

[jaja] Tanto nivel de japo no tengo para traducirtelo [tomaaa]

Edito: es mejor el traductor de gugle XD

* It receives the mail from the recently * hatchet, it is is, but it is both way? As for beginning the annoyance mail or no heel thinks is the with * キ, so strange contents being it is not, the taking * not obtaining replying, you saw. There is a recognition in my address, probably will be? If you can communicate, it is fortunate.
oooooooooooooooooooole la camap.

si esq es la mejor [oki]
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