igual tienes la bios (si es de neogeo) corrupta
ke te sale en consola?
a mi me sale esto:
sl1pkn07@SpinFlo:/var/www/imagenes$ xmame /home/sl1pkn07/Desktop/mslug.zip
warning: no mixer plugins available
info: trying to parse: /etc/xmame/xmamerc
error: unknown option history_file, on line 13 of file: /etc/xmame/xmamerc
ignoring line
error: unknown option mameinfo_file, on line 14 of file: /etc/xmame/xmamerc
ignoring line
error: unknown option fuzzycmp, on line 33 of file: /etc/xmame/xmamerc
ignoring line
error: unknown option skip_disclaimer, on line 35 of file: /etc/xmame/xmamerc
ignoring line
info: trying to parse: /home/sl1pkn07/.xmame/xmamerc
info: trying to parse: /etc/xmame/xmame-SDLrc
info: trying to parse: /home/sl1pkn07/.xmame/xmame-SDLrc
info: trying to parse: /etc/xmame/rc/mslugrc
info: trying to parse: /home/sl1pkn07/.xmame/rc/mslugrc
xmame: could not connect to socket
xmame: Connection refused
LIRC disabled
loading rom 0: 201-p1.bin
loading rom 1: 201-s1.bin
loading rom 2: sfix.sfx
loading rom 3: sp-s2.sp1
loading rom 4: sm1.sm1
loading rom 5: 201-m1.bin
loading rom 6: 000-lo.lo
loading rom 7: 201-v1.bin
loading rom 8: 201-v2.bin
loading rom 9: 201-c1.bin
loading rom 10: 201-c2.bin
loading rom 11: 201-c3.bin
loading rom 12: 201-c4.bin
info: audiodevice (null) set to 16bit linear stereo 44100Hz
info: sysdep_dsp: using sdl plugin
info: dsp: using timer-based audio
SDL: Using a mode with a resolution of: 320x224x32
Initialized no effect: bitmap depth = 15, color format = RGB 888 (32bpp)
SDL: Using a mode with a resolution of: 304x224x32
Initialized no effect: bitmap depth = 15, color format = RGB 888 (32bpp)