... y-soldier/Aquí están los cambios definitivos del parche:
■Fixed a problem with spawn timer now showing blue border on startup and lost spawn point
■Fixed a problem where player who joined queuing on End of round got spawn screen stuck on screen, but unable to do anything with it untill next round loaded
■Fixed a problem where camera would change to 3rd person on killcam when killcam was turned off in server settings
■Fixed stat references on several dogtags
■Fixed for surveillance ribbon not counting TUGS
■Fixed a missing combat area lines on the minimap for Grand Bazaar conquest small
■Moved a tank spawn in US base on Caspian Border so it would not be destroyed by a falling tree
■Fixed a problem where placing C4 with the russians soldier was playing US faction VO
■Fixed a problem where TV guided missiles could be shot into its own helicopter and destroy it
■Fixed a problem when attempting to fire lock on weapons without a target
■Tweaked the chat, it should now be a bit easier to read
■Fixed several vehicles that did not properly shoot rockets and guns towards their predictive sights
■Fixed the G17 Supressed Laser not working properly
■Added alternate HUD colors to help colorblinds
■Added a network interpolation setting. This allows users with good bandwidth reduce latency, but might increase some stuttering. The user can find what works best for his connection by tweaking the slider
■Increased the Spawn protection radius on TDM
■Fixed a problem with smoke on land vehicles, Missiles should now miss more often
■Fixed a problem where users could end up with IRNV scope in any vehicle
■Fixed a problem where player dies if vaulting over a ledge and into water while sprinting
■Fixed several crashes and increased general stability
■Fixed a problem where the user was unable to revive two players that have the bodies one over the other
■Fixed so you can assign an axis and use as a digital input. This makes it possible for the player (on pc) to assign one of the sticks on a gameped to be used for throttle/brake
■Fixed a problem with the Kill camera acting up when suiciding from parachute
■Fixed air radar was showing to much – now lasertagged, heatsignature above threshold, enemy missiles and capture points are only visible on air radar
■Fixed a problem where the game would enter a technical hang if the user pressed pause menu and tilde at the same time
■Fixed a problem where you could get green flashes on screen
■You can now reassign cycle weapons
■Fixed so the weapon zooms automatically after bipod deploy is gone when using zoom toggle
■Fixed a problem where the parachute would stay stuck in air if the owner was killed
Balance Tweaks
■Fixed several weapons so they are properly suppressed and hide the player on the minimap when fired
■Tweaked Tactical Light so it is not as blinding over longer ranges
■Tweaked the IRNV scope so it is limited to usage only at close range
■Reduced heat masking effectiveness of Spec Ops Camo
■Fixed a bug where Ammo spec would give additional 40mm grenades instead of Frag spec
■Increased the number of additional 40mm grenades from Frag spec
■Fixed so AT mines only live for 20 seconds after a player dies to prevent infinite mines
■Increased the Time to Live on sniper caliber rounds to allow extreme distance shots
■Fixed several weapon descriptions, calibers, and fire rates. The weapons themselves have not changed
■Fixed so the M9 and MP443 pistol can be equipped by the opposing faction when it is unlocked at 100 kills
■Fixed Laser Guided Missiles missing their targets if the target is moving too fast
■Reduced the effectiveness of Stealth on Air Vehicles
■Reduced the effectiveness of Beam Scanning for Jets
■Reduced the damage done to Armored Vehicles and Infantry from AA guns
■Increased the damage RPGs and Tank shells do to AA vehicles
■Slightly decreased the accuracy for all weapons on fully automatic, burst fire is now preferable at mid to long range
■Increased the effective accuracy of long bursts for LMGs when using a bipod
■Slightly increased the range of the 44magnum bullets
■Increased the close range damage of 4.6x30mm and 5.7x28mm bullets
■Increased the reload time of the Mortar from 3.5sec to 4.8sec and increased the time it takes before a shell hits the ground
■Reduced the aimed accuracy bonus given by a Suppressor for the MP7, P90, PP2000, PP-19, and UMP45
■Increased the range and FOV for designating targets with the SOFLAM and vehicle Laser Designators
■Decreased the effectiveness of 12g FRAG ammo when equipped on semi-automatic and automatic shotguns
■Slightly Increased the power of Fighter Jet Cannons against all vehicle targets, especially Helicopters
■Decreased the power of Miniguns against Jets and Helicopters
■Increased the power of Stingers against Jets
■Flares reload times for Jets and Helicopter Gunners have been increased
■Tweaked the AN94 so its burst fire better conveys the real world advantage offered by this weapon
■Added Single Shot to the AN94 as an available fire mode
■Slightly increased the recoil on the M416 and removed the Burst Fire mode (this weapon incorrectly had burst fire, which was not authentic)
■Tweaked the spawns for TDM on Kharg Island, Grand Bazaar, Caspian Border, Seine Crossing, Operation Firestorm, Damavand Peak and Noshahar Canals
■Moved a tank spawn in US base on Caspian Border so it would not be destroyed by a falling tree
■Tweaked the Gas station Capture area on Conquest on Caspian Border
■Tweaked the max vehicle height on Noshahar Canals
Edito: Veo algunas cosilllas sobre las que discutíamos:
Las minas se quedarán 20 segs después de muerto luego desaparecen
Solucionado el tema del silenciador,había muchas armas que aunque lo equiparas te veían , ahora nunca te verán con silenciador
La mira IRV será efectiva a corta distancia, a media-larga no tanto. El traje negro no te camuflará del IRV
Los anti-vehiculos tipo laser serán más eficaces
El modo de disparo automático será menos eficaz a larga distancia, para forzar a usar rafagas o disparo unico
Me nerfean el mortero y la francopeta(cartuchos explosivos)
La puta lucecita sólo cegará a corta distancia
..... (he puesto lo que me interesaba más pero quien quiera que traduzca más
