http://www.bf3.com.ua/2011/07/18/%D1%81 ... %84%D1%8B/más info sobre el leaked!!!

Vicious traduce via Google del ruso

At first, The game says I need nvidia driver 275.35, while the last one is 275.33.
So maybe there will be more graphic options when it is enabled...
The only options I could change where resolution, which I took 1680x1024.
Graphic Detail: High
Traduzco la parte importante del enlace de CID:
- Maps looks good. - Mapas pintan bien
- Graphic settings is bugged, probably since the recommended driver version is not yet released. - La configuracion grafica esta bugueada, el juego recomienda un driver superior a los drivers existentes

- Very low recoil, tough there is bulletspread. Retroceso muy leve, pero si que hay dispersión de las balas.
- Bullets bounce off metal. Las balas rebotan con el metal

- Surround sound is REALLY good, the sound of the rockets that flew by my head made me smile, explosions are really nice, a good deep drum. - Resumiendo sonido acojonante.
- You can see your own legs when you look down, tough your weapon will stick thru your own leg... =x
- Puedes ver tus propias piernas. pienso que tu arma estará pegada a tu propia pierna (suena raro).
- You do not walk fully silent when crouching. No eres totalmente silencioso cuando caminas de cuclillas.
- Infinite sprint. Sprint infinito.
- Tank can swim and jump (funny bug rofl) - Los tankes pueden nadar y saltar (bug divertido)