Nota de IGN:
9.0 Presentation
Animated backgrounds play behind the simple menus, which is a nice touch. A ridiculous number of costumes, 22 arenas, and a smart online setup make for the Ultimate package.
10.0 Graphics
Yowsa! It runs beautifully and looks incredible. Smooth animations, great lighting and use of transparencies, amazing environments, with lots of nice extra visual touches.
8.0 Sound
Excellent use of 5.1. The sound field changes depending on where you are so that different arenas have a unique visual and audio feel. But that music -- it's dated. No custom soundtracks?
9.0 Gameplay
Some may cry that it lacks depth, but play an expert and you'll be proven wrong. Lots of fun and easy for anyone to enjoy. One of the best online games available.
9.5 Lasting Appeal
Loads of unlockables that make playing alone actually worthwhile. There may not be another online fighter this good in this generation and that will keep you coming back.
(out of 10 / not an average)
No está nada mal...claro a mi poco me gustan este tipo de juegos pero es que ahora con tanto titulo que está saliendo y las calificaciones y criticas que se están llevando es imposible pasar desapersibido..